General & Others Mihawk’s eyes come from being an Amazonian

Man this is some Naruto shit

in fact it’s Naruto shit but worse because we haven’t even been told that this is a thing that matters… it would basically be invented for this scenario for no goddamn reason

like people in one piece can just naturally be born superhumans without all this added on bloodline shit…
Honestly I do think either way he’s probably shakky and Rayleigh’s son or at least related to an Amazonian but it might have nothing to do with his eyes

It really could be due to his mastery of yoru and the swords soul becoming a literal part of him. Layered eyes being tied to the body holding multiple souls imo isn’t too far fetched
Mihawk could be part of a slave tribe to the Amazons, they also have a Hawk pet could be related to Mihawk's status as a pet:

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He cancelled her fruit and still said what he said fatty your idol
You lie from your ass again ZKKshit, there is no such a thing happened, Teach doesn't fight fodders like Moria or Bonney, his crew handles them.

And even if he fights 1 random Quake beats all of them too no need for Darkness.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Him being the son of Rayleigh and shakky is an old theory yes but I’m just saying that might be the reason he has his ringed eyes.

Either that or him perfectly mastering yoru becoming one with it in a way
Why would it when none of them or anyone on the island have it