Mobile Legends/League of Legends


Stand on the edge of your dream and fight
YUP I feel you haha
I am about to go to plat again :D
What I've noticed about you is that you actually have a good champ pool
I mostly play ADC and I have lvl 7 mastery on Jhin, Aphelios and Samira, problem is, they are all AD. so when my team picks up all AD, I'm forced to build AD as well, enemy team rush tappies and we are screwed
I recently picked up varus who's supposedly one of the easiest AP ADCs rn.
What I've noticed about you is that you actually have a good champ pool
I mostly play ADC and I have lvl 7 mastery on Jhin, Aphelios and Samira, problem is, they are all AD. so when my team picks up all AD, I'm forced to build AD as well, enemy team rush tappies and we are screwed
I recently picked up varus who's supposedly one of the easiest AP ADCs rn.
in that sense I don't really^^ since I play a lot of the same :3
I would pick ziggs if you need ap bot