General & Others Mohawk's bounty and why it's Law

Okay, for bounties we know that bounties are usually made mainly for influence with some strength, like how luffy's is, yes luffy is strong but his bounty is this high BECAUSE he has so much influence, burning the flag in enies lobby, punching celestial, marineford shit, etc, same with LLLLLLaw, he is mountain bandit higuma level but he has a lot of influence of what he's been doing, same with kid in sabaody, yes kid was strong but he had the highest bounty because of what he did. Now mihawk, we all know mihawk is the main fighter of cross guild, he doesn't have AS much influence as crocodile and buggy do. Mohawk's 3.5 billion berry bounty is only on strength, with a bit maybe as influence

First Mohawk (comparing them)
Mohawk isn't a yonko
Doesn't do much
Doesn't cause too much chaos
Doesn't have that much influence
Is known as the WSS
Stays to himself

now shanks.... (comparing them)
Shanks is a yonko
Does a lot
Has made a big name for himself that makes everyone know him

Shanks' bounty is probably mostly or at least some of it is just because of influence

Shanks is still strong, BUT his bounty is probably this high because of his influence, still with strength BUT he has a lot of influence, this is why no one has mentioned mohawk but people know shanks, and mohawk does have a name for himself, but it's not a big name

And sorry about the title, I meant to put low instead of Law, oh well, guess I can't change it now
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3.59 Bil is not low

Oda just gave 3 bil to a pair of miscreants who didn't really deserve it, which was proven when they both got bodied.

Context around a bounty matters, if you get a 3 bil bounty for beating someone with another person, it doesn't necessarily have to mean your individual strength is being represented with that 3bil bounty, that's why they both got clapped solo.

That shit obviously would never happen to Mihawk, cuz his individual strength is his main factor for his bounty. as in if you slot Mihawk in Kidd and Law's scenarios, it would go differently.

His bounty is also setting up Zoro for 3.60 bil, as the most skillest Conquerors blade user.
Luffy also got 1.5b for doing fuck all.
Bounties are not a direct measurement of individual strength.

BM and Whitebeard were in decline. WB was a shadow of his former self.
His bounty never got lowered though. Not as far as we know.
A dude with zero top tier feat got 3.59B
You think it's low

Oda gave him a useless high bounty that he doesn't deserve

Yonko deserve their bounties
SNs deserve their bounties
Loki deserve his bounty
Based on what they did
Luffy also got 1.5b for doing fuck all.

His bounty never got lowered though. Not as far as we know.
Yeah, he just took out 3 warlords, helped lead an alliance against a Yonko, beat 2 Yonko commanders, attacked EL, lead a prison break from Impel down, free'd Ace apart of the Marineford war, attacked a celestial dragon and is related to the son of the world's most wanted criminal. Basically nothing
Bounty only partially involves strength. It's not a strength but threat system. It's why you can beat someone with a higher bounty you you don't automatically get a bounty higher than them. It's threat level and the level of threat the wg sees in a pirate based on what they know. They don't know everything which is why bounties can be inaccurate related to strength. Chopper for example only is a 1000 beri when he should be at least 300 mil. Since they only believe he is a pet they significantly under rate his bounty. The wg viewed wano as luffy kidd and law beating kaido and big mom so gave all 3 the same bounty of 3 bil. If they knew how bm and kaido ultimately fell they'd have way different bounties and no one would think kidd or law are the same level as luffy.