The last sentence is the reason why a Juror is threatening you. Dont think we are jurer's for no reason. We are practicioners of the ancient spiritual martial arts and have transcended the body mind phenomenon. We can walk on Water like jesus, split the seas like Moses and carry mountains on Palms like Monkey God Hanuman. Dealing with you is like taking a dump. We just need to sit.
The last sentence is the reason why a Juror is threatening you. Dont think we are jurer's for no reason. We are practicioners of the ancient spiritual martial arts and have transcended the body mind phenomenon. We can walk on Water like jesus, split the seas like Moses and carry mountains on Palms like Monkey God Hanuman. Dealing with you is like taking a dump. We just need to sit.
The last sentence is the reason why a Juror is threatening you. Dont think we are jurer's for no reason. We are practicioners of the ancient spiritual martial arts and have transcended the body mind phenomenon. We can walk on Water like jesus, split the seas like Moses and carry mountains on Palms like Monkey God Hanuman. Dealing with you is like taking a dump. We just need to sit.
The last sentence is the reason why a Juror is threatening you. Dont think we are jurer's for no reason. We are practicioners of the ancient spiritual martial arts and have transcended the body mind phenomenon. We can walk on Water like jesus, split the seas like Moses and carry mountains on Palms like Monkey God Hanuman. Dealing with you is like taking a dump. We just need to sit.
The last sentence is the reason why a Juror is threatening you. Dont think we are jurer's for no reason. We are practicioners of the ancient spiritual martial arts and have transcended the body mind phenomenon. We can walk on Water like jesus, split the seas like Moses and carry mountains on Palms like Monkey God Hanuman. Dealing with you is like taking a dump. We just need to sit.
I just caught up with his post. Didnt know the trial had already started.
Monster Zori should be banned from all the fastfood chains inc McD and should adapt Vegan Lifestyle forever. This should be the punishment if other Jury members agree upon it.
The last sentence is the reason why a Juror is threatening you. Dont think we are jurer's for no reason. We are practicioners of the ancient spiritual martial arts and have transcended the body mind phenomenon. We can walk on Water like jesus, split the seas like Moses and carry mountains on Palms like Monkey God Hanuman. Dealing with you is like taking a dump. We just need to sit.
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