Morj is the Ben Shapiro of One Piece theories

Tries to sound logical but ends up sounding ridiculous in the end. Raid fail debauchery, extreme levels of cringe, annoying nasaly voice Nuff said.
Fuck, yeah they woud even look similar if he shaves his pedo stach and Shapiro actually lived in Israel to get a tan😂
Nah but from the way they talk and even that very sepcific kinda autistic in hard to explain way they relate to others - like I watched some clips of Morj stream and he has this casually dismisve and uncaring vibe, idunno hard to explain😂 and I dont mean in a shock jock way were one is edgy on porpuse and rides with the energy but more like an unaware naive even way, thats why I use autistic to describe it😂
Anyways my whole post and posting history is autistic so who am I to judge😂🤷🏿‍♂️, still it is what it is, it is what it is... (even though I go for a more shizo vibe personally)
I bet you never followed shapiro. He is very good debator and its true he is hardcore trumper but he is one of the few on right i agree on some of the things he says.

Morj is nowhere near shapiro's level.