Character Discussion Most Charismatic Characters

Strawhats aside who do you think are/were the most charismatic characters in One Piece? I mean people who combine strength , willpower , dreams , personality depth , ability to inspire others (having all of these is not really required).
I will name some of mine: Roger , Ace , Oden , Whitebeard , Shanks , Doflamingo , Hiluluk , Katakuri , Enel , Blackbeard , Tom
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Whitebeard, all the day

strength: no need to explain this point

willpower: fighting despite his illness and all the injuries he had during the war.
Even in death his body didn't fall!

dreams: he was orphan and all he wanted was a family because when he was young he was alone. Quite simple but still awesome.

personality depth: loves his childrens despite not being their biological father. He appears to be a stingy person but deep down we know he only loves too much his hometown. He is not stingy, he is only helping his poor hometown

ability to inspire others: Ace was ready to make him the pirate king. Ace sacrificed his own dream for Whitebeard.
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Lazy is the way
WB obviously he had family territories allies who could die for him and follow him. And he had an insane will too. He is one of the most human character in the show. For me WB is more impressive than Roger. WB made mistakes, was in Xebec crew, grew old, sick, saw his sons dies, was not as strong anymore, was betrayed etc. The guy know what a life is the good and the bad. He is truly the most powerful MAN while Roger is too much a legend and a myth. He wanted to have a family and he managed to have it.

Fisher tiger : the guy can make Jimbe and Arlong work together due to their respect for him. The guy is a true legend. His dream to save the fishman, his raid toward Mariegeoise etc.

Noland : the guy is a captain, has awesome personality, depth, strength, willpower etc. He convince others, makes friends etc : shandians, tontattas, everywhere he went he let his mark. The Shandians had millennial customs and he showed them an other way. Awesome man overall.

Roger obviously too : he had a lot of powerful allies that he inspired, and even his enemies respected him (WB, Garp, Shiki etc). Thanks to his speech the golden era of pirates has begun.

Xebec : he had an unbelievable crew with huge personalities to make them work together he must have been quite the man. Even WB worked for him. He must have an insane charisma.

Do flamingo : his all family is devoted to him. They are loyal and can die for him. He built a huge criminal empire.

Dragon : he wants to change the world. He managed to gather a lot of powerful indépendant crazy people to challenge the most powerful organization in the world. He has likely an insane will power and charisma. The RA army is huge and he is the undisputed leader without oppressing them. They choose him.
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Luffy is first, unquestionably.
He changed completely whoever came across with him, his nakamas, allies and even enemies.
Behind him Xebec, Roger, Whitebeard, Oden and Doflamingo: the first managed, only god(a) knows how, to mantain natural born leaders under him; the latters exercise such an influence on the other that their crew members were all willingly to die for their captain (Teach aside :kappa:).
Most of the names are already mentioned, i would write in Zeff. Personality depth, willpower and dream he is perfect example of that and also had men following him. Be it Sanji or other cooks that were willing to die for the old men and restaurant.
Zeff has also sailed in Grandline with his own crew, had men following him there as well. He also told Sanji to observe Luffy against Kreig carefully, could see the spark in the boy i.e Luffy, and what it meant to chase one dreams.