Character Discussion Most forced characters Oda desperately wants you to like

What is the plot of One piece moves around Zoro?
Literally entire plot
He's in every single arc besides few of them

Luffys journey won't stop if not for Zoro

Buggy woulda killed Luffy if not for Zoro

Brook won't get his shadow if not for Zoro

Nami wouldn't have made it out of arlong Park If not for Zoro

Nico Robin won't get her key if not for Zoro

Mr1 would have killed everyone in Alabasta if not for Zoro

King would have killed everyone if not for Zoro

Oars won't be in the place for Luffy to land that blow if not for a Zoro

Pacifists would have killed everyone if not for Zoro

Bird cage won't be stopped if Zoro didn't inspire everyone

Hakai would have killed everyone if not for Zoro

TB ending was all about Zoro

Pica would have killed everyone on King plateau if not for Zoro

Literally every arc he's there and he takes crew out or a dire situation in one way or another.
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What is the plot of One piece moves around Zoro?
Literally asking why Zoro is useful is as dumb of a question as asking why Luffy is useful

Luffy didn't start his "crew" by himself it was Luffy and Zoro. Zoro was first crew mate Luffy himself sought out Literally kick starting One-Piece
Eiichiro Oden - I have rarely seen an author try so hard to make their character tHE BestESt EvAr.

Momo - “he will eventually become the greatest Shogun ever.” Sure thing Oda.

The rest of the Wano populace - they made me actively root for Kaido or the WG to turn their entire country to ash, yet Oda keeps trying to convince us they’re likable and sympathetic.

Yamato - maybe not as bad as her role model, but I definitely felt like Oda was trying too hard to make her a star, if only because of her insufferable Oden cosplayer gag.

Luffy - Oda has gone full throttle making him the Chosen One who will bring sunshine, gumdrops, and rainbows to the poor suppressed people of the world, right down to egregiously retconning his DF into a god Zoan that the Gorosei kind of forgot about for the entire franchise.
Kishimoto: Itachi was a Hokage level genius at the age of 7 who thought of nothing but world peace.:jay-yeah:

Oda: Oden fucked women and had his own harem collection cucking grown ass men at the age of 10. :joker:

Didn’t think Itachi could be topped in Gary Sueness but GODa never misses.
Oden, Yamato, Sabo, and Kid (in Wano)
I won't blame Yamato and Kid. Both will just have a presence in wano that's all. We know we won't be seeing kids anymore. Yamato will also even as an SH won't be given much screen time..but Oden....Jesus oda is pretty much trying to continue his wank using Yamato...if she becomes an SH all her dialogues if ever given will be Oden's wank
Oden is the epitome of this phenomenon.

Oda outright treated his dancing for 5 years as an heroic act and wanted us to think that Wano's people was wrong about calling him "Fool of a lord"

The reality is that he was given this epithet rightfully.
No injustice at all calling him a fool.

But since that he almost defeated Kaido he's cool and even the Yonko fandom who generally despises swordsmen wanks him to preserve Yonko's hype


Lazy is the way
Sabo and Oden
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Kishimoto: Itachi was a Hokage level genius at the age of 7 who thought of nothing but world peace.:jay-yeah:
Haha yeah this moment was soooo bad

Funny and sooo bad.

Itachi level of I’m the boy wonder was stupid af
Jinbei force??
His bond with SH has been build up since pre-skip.
Most mature among the SH........he shows the father vibe/eldest brother vibe among these free spirited carefree kids. Which makes the SH complete. There's no force

Your fav Zoro has far more force to be desperately wants to be like by Oda lol.
That's why majority of his fandom constitutes the bois who are in the age of loving badass edgy character.
If you care charisma that much, then Luffy should be one of your favourites in the show.