Thanks doc, but she and I are nothing more than old acquaintances. She's the one spinning everything outta control here.
per western civil law you're still obligated to pay child support even if it's just imaginary and you must cover mental health treatments or else you're going to jail.
verdict is clear, accountability is a must bc she become like this cuz of you:catrude:

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
Wait....what?! Last time I was online we were litigating furry allegations, how the fudge are we onto marriage counseling now? :risitavirus:

@Mr. Reloaded every time he logs in
Marriage counseling for a marriage that never happened too :risitavirus:

Long story.
Dad, why him, why not me? :pepemotion::pepecry:
Cause you not my son, and you've given me enough problems here.
WHaaaat is this account???!! lmaoo
Pure comedy gold :risitameh: