Happy New Year folks!!!!!
All right as promised, my first thread of 2023. And what's better than some MLP content?
This topic is really simple, if you watched the show, you should know who your favorite ponies are, and even if you never watch the show, just pick one or a few damnit!
And non-ponies won't count here, it will be in a separate thread. So Spike, Discord, Gabby, Zecora, Chrysalis, Tirek, etc. won't be included.
So yeah, pick your favorite ponies from the list and reasons why you picked them if you preferred. And if there's some ponies that aren't on the list then I apologize as I obviously don't remember every ponies in the series lol.
And no, this is totally not my first step to make Worstgen forum into a MLP forum.
The list are:
Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pie
Rainbow Dash
Starlight Glimmer
Sunset Shimmer
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Princess Cadence
Shining Armor
Big Mac
Trixie Lulamoon
Flash Sentry
Derby Hooves
Others that I miss?
Tagging some MLP lovers (bronies)