Fanclub Mugiwara no Luffy (Monkey D. Luffy) Fan Club

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a key part of how strong adv coc or coc in general can be depends highly on what levels other top tiers can reach without having it
does garp have it, still was a rival to roger
willl akainu have it
oda can tie those loose ends sooner rather than later by giving these people coc or it could also be the thing that edges luffy in a final battle against such folks.


Zoro Worshipper
I mean Rayleigh need not to have adCoC but he can know a thing or two about adCoC...afterall he has seen the whole world right.....
Yep he learned it decades ago after all hahaha xd

He is likely one of the strongest haki users in the world still after so much time


a key part of how strong adv coc or coc in general can be depends highly on what levels other top tiers can reach without having it
does garp have it, still was a rival to roger
willl akainu have it
oda can tie those loose ends sooner rather than later by giving these people coc or it could also be the thing that edges luffy in a final battle against such folks.
Fair enough.....I wish to see the Luffy can use the CoC to the extent that none has used or reached on OP world.....afterall he is a CoC is high time that Oda has shown us what does he mean by saying Luffy specialized in CoC...


Well Rayleigh should know about all the powerups that exist I mean he and his captain has fought the strongest people out there and it makes sense for him to tell his student about everything he knows... flashback its just way to give us the glimpse of Rayleigh teaching Cuz Oda can give Luffy powerups even without flashbacks


Do you guys think advanced CoA will be Luffy's only PU against Kaido?
I think adCoA can be sufficient to atleast harm the Kaido..but defeating?....surely there should be hell lot of work they have to put to bring him down...irrespective of feats he is an yonko and top tier...even if we compare MF WB and Kaido, we know what it took to take down MF WB.....

haki is finite source afterall....but adCoA+ G4 with 3-4 hours of timelimit can do lot of damage to Kaido, if his FS works properly....
adv coa would be enough to damage kaido. its stronger than people think
hyo said when he mastered it , he could stop bm in his base.
but luffy doesnt fight in his base.
his g2
g3 and most notable g4 forms would be catastrophic
adv coa logically catapults any reasonable fighter above a high tier imo