Theory Mussings on the nature of haki and devil fruits; and why Kaido wasn't able to awaken his devil fruit

Luffy the Nika sun god can spread his happiness and energy around the world, essentially empowering people. It seems that some characters like Bonney can even become Nika himself, because Nika is just a conduit/symbol/vessel of good nature and happiness, thus it has already been references through similar forms. Which ones you ask? Well, the minks' sulong form that gives minks a remarkably similar form to Nika-a beastial/humanoid form of pure whiteness. Furthermore, Yamato's guardian wolf devil fruit also bear resemblance to nika through the colour white and flowing mane. Is Oda playing on duality of colours to represent two opposite ideologies and moral concepts?

On the other specter, the Gorosei brandish black flames and darkness, a power that comes from Imu. That power is also shared, but unlike the joyful whiteness of Nika that comes with no price attached, Imu's power controls and warps the soul of the chosen bearer.

We could also take this a step further and asks ourselves if there's a connection between Yammy Yammy no mi and Imu? Luffy is the new Joyboy and Blackbeard could be the new Imu. The paralels are striking and lead me to believe that Imu can grant demonic devil fruits, because he/she/it themselves manifested an evil devil fruit.

Remember that devil fruits were created from desires of mankind to better their reality and lives. Whoever was the original bearer of the nika fruit, he himself spawned that ability because he wished for the better world.

In order to find and awaken a devil fruit with good natured will such as Nika's lineage, your soul, thoughts and nature have to align with the will of the " devil " resigning in the devil fruit.

This is what I believe to be the key to awakening the devil fruits. Your will has to be aligned with the previous' owner.

This is the reason why I believe Kaido wasn't able to awaken his devil fruit. His soul, goals and thoughts didn't align with the original creator of the fish fish: model azure dragon fruit. Not only that but the dragon in asian mythology is a divine being representing highest noble and moral virtues, luck, good will, prosperity and total control over one's power.

Ironically, dragons in eastern mythology are associated with the elements of water, air and earth. They are not beings of destruction like in western myths. Except when they do " fall " from grace, they start to exhibit features not associated with eastern dragons such as ability to breathe fire and control flames, as Kaido can.

This is the answer. Kaido was a fallen dragon whose ideology and moral values don't align with the heavenly divinity of his devil fruit and the will of the previous owner. Kaido was not alinged and that's why the fruit was wasted on him.

The fruit didn't chose him. It was forced onto him by Linlin.
This is the answer. Kaido was a fallen dragon whose ideology and moral values don't align with the heavenly divinity of his devil fruit and the will of the previous owner. Kaido was not alinged and that's why the fruit was wasted on him.
It is possible, would be cool if Oda addresses this in the next SBS.

There also might be special conditions to awaken each devil fruit, Luffy seemlying had to die for example.