My Hero Academia Chapter 363 - Protectors and Invaders

I appreciate the reply. But, AFO is changing physically. the physical affects the psyche in direct and indirect ways. I think there may be some type of affect on both AFO and Shigaraki given their fusion. I am making total assumptions about anything related to the fusion as the fusion has no basis in real-world medical science.

Iam not sure using Mirio is totally applicable in this case. Mirio wasn’t fused to anyone.
AFO(the physical person) and Shigaraki are not fused.

Shigaraki is fused with the original AFO(the quirk), but they are not heavily related to AFO's actual original physical body. At best, this connection seems to imply that AFO has some ability to sense what is going on inside of Shigaraki.

At the current moment, it can be understood that there are two AFO's. The one inside Shigaraki, which is a copy of AFO's consciousness, and the real AFO, who is for the most part completely seperate.

Mirio is an apt example, since like Mirio, AFO's physical body is also not fused to anyone.
AFO(the physical person) and Shigaraki are not fused.

Shigaraki is fused with the original AFO(the quirk), but they are not heavily related to AFO's actual original physical body. At best, this connection seems to imply that AFO has some ability to sense what is going on inside of Shigaraki.

At the current moment, it can be understood that there are two AFO's. The one inside Shigaraki, which is a copy of AFO's consciousness, and the real AFO, who is for the most part completely seperate.

Mirio is an apt example, since like Mirio, AFO's physical body is also not fused to anyone.
What? I never said they were directly fused physically. They have a large percentage of fusion at the psychological level. In real life, there is a mind-body connection. By that logic, changing the body would affect the mind. If the mind of one psychically fused entity is affected, the other is likely affected.

AFO body->AFO psyche->Shigaraki psyche-> potential Shigaraki physical affects.

Mirio was not psychologically fused with anyone. Mirio is not relevant to the AFO-Shigaraki dynamic that I am desribing.
What? I never said they were directly fused physically. They have a large percentage of fusion at the psychological level. In real life, there is a mind-body connection. By that logic, changing the body would affect the mind. If the mind of one psychically fused entity is affected, the other is likely affected.
There is no psychological fusion between AFO's real body and Shigaraki. They have a faint connection to each other like Deku and All Might have, but not much else.
AFO body->AFO psyche->Shigaraki psyche-> potential Shigaraki physical affects.
AFO's psyche in his real body is not directly effected by AFO's psyche inside of Shigaraki or vice versa. There is not a strong link between them. Also, AFO and Shigaraki's psyche in Shigaraki have fused into something completely different.