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wait, so when town is immune to york's ability your response is "yawn" but when it's immune to Polar's ability you're concerned?
Charlie is it possible you can play the game outside of the confines of "this ability and that ability"

Regardless, no those aren't really equivalent. Trscker having one shot doesn't really make sense to for an immunity to exist for. The indication being Polar is more likely to be lying about his amount of shots
I already had you two down as scum and aligned on play so don't understand why you're acting shocked I would cast more doubt on Polar anyway

I don't think York is clear by any means but a silencer usually isn't usually gonna be on the same scum team as a Duelist. I don't see both of these passives existing solely to out the mafia's utility, there's probably a red herring between the two


Sinister Blade
Day 3 - Vote Count 4

Ratchet: 4
Charlie: 3
Saber: 1
Gadonkadonk: 1
Ultra: 1

Ultra: Ratchet -> Charlie -> Polar Bear -> Charlie
Alexis: Ratchet
Ratchet: Ultra -> Ratchet -> Unvote -> Saber -> Charlie
Charlie: Ratchet -> Unvote -> Ultra
Apollo: Ratchet
Saber: Ratchet
The Orca: Ratchet
Gadonkadonk: Alexis -> Saber
York: Charlie
Polar Bear: Gadonkadonk

With 10 alive, it takes 6 votes for majority.

2 hours left for End of Day.

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