Break Week Name the Duo called by Momo in 1056

In 1056, Momo calls the SH in "duo". How would you label those duos?

For me:

- Luffy Zoro : King Duo | Conqueror Duo | World Strongest (Man/Swordsman) Duo

- Nami Usopp : Brain Duo | Coward Duo | Realistic Duo

- Sanji Chopper : Health Duo | Sentimental Duo

- Robin Franky : Ancient Weapon Duo

- Brook Jinbe : Veteran Duo | Adult Duo | Old Duo

- Yamato Vivi (for the sake of discussion) : Princess Duo

What's yours?
Luffy Zoro : King Duo | Conqueror Duo | World Strongest (Man/Swordsman) Duo
Top 2
Nami Usopp : Brain Duo | Coward Duo | Realistic
Sanji Chopper : Health Duo | Sentimental Duo
The pedo, sexual predator, racist & the kind deer
Robin Franky : Ancient Weapon Duo
Beauty and the beast
Brook Jinbe : Veteran Duo | Adult Duo | Old
Yamato Vivi (for the sake of discussion) : Princess Duo
Tig bitties
Luffy and Zoro - 2 brains one brain cell duo
Nami and Usopp - Mind over Muscle duo
Sanji and Chopper - Adoption Works duo
Robin and Franky - Fuck Spandam duo
Brook and Jinbe - I was a Captain once duo