I have few advices but NO suggestions
1- Come up with a short name... I personally hate that my name is long to write
2- NEVER use a name from a series you like, cause after some time, after maybe few years or more. you will feel it is lame LOL
3- Try to avoid Trendy names, cause they do NOT LAST... while use classic names that are used in EVERY ERA... this way, your kid after 20 years from now, he is less likely to find people mock him for his name or him hating it... Kinda like Fashion... trendy shit disappear fast and get mocked at later, while classic things like a suit is always praised at ANY generation
After that, choose it yourself
1- Come up with a short name... I personally hate that my name is long to write
2- NEVER use a name from a series you like, cause after some time, after maybe few years or more. you will feel it is lame LOL
3- Try to avoid Trendy names, cause they do NOT LAST... while use classic names that are used in EVERY ERA... this way, your kid after 20 years from now, he is less likely to find people mock him for his name or him hating it... Kinda like Fashion... trendy shit disappear fast and get mocked at later, while classic things like a suit is always praised at ANY generation
After that, choose it yourself