Powers & Abilities Naobito vs Special Curses without domain


Lazy is the way
Choso: High to possibly High High diff
Dagon: High-diff
Hanami: Mid to High Diff
Jogo: Mid Diff

Yeah Naobito loses pretty much all of these. The main issue is just that he doesn’t have enough damage output to really hurt any of them. I think his best chance is against Choso.

Naoya had two problems during the Choso fight: he got overconfident and he didn’t fully understand what Choso was. Let’s also remember Choso is not that durable. Three clean hits from Yuji and he sweating up a storm. Naobito doesn’t have the strength of Yuji obviously, but he has the speed necessary to wear Choso down.
With his speed he managed to hurt Dagon and ne Naobito wasn’t all out at all. We almost saw with Naoya the maximum for his curse technique. Noaya used his maximum speed to break the sound barrier. If Naoya had used his max speed and had punched Maki with it he would have cause real damages.

So Naobito (who is a better Naoya) can use that too.

And in the bonus round I gave Naobito Black flash