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Best Mangekyou Sharingan?

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Danzo and Sakazuki are very much alike, both have good intentions and admirable objectives, but their moral compass is twisted due to events that made them superstitious over time. For Sakazuki, something must have triggered this extreme hate for piracy, as for Danzo, we have that Obito & Kurama incident.

Pragmatic stoic leaders whose twisted actions reflect the harsh reality of the world they’re living in. Props to Kishimoto and Oda for pulling such characters in a shonen, I think Akainu’s arc will surprise a lot of people with the complexity of his character.

Some highlights of Danzo’s character
@TheAncientCenturion @ZenZu @Shiroyru


I will never forgive Oda
Danzo and Sakazuki are very much alike, both have good intentions and admirable objectives, but their moral compass is twisted due to events that made them superstitious over time. For Sakazuki, something must have triggered this extreme hate for piracy, as for Danzo, we have that Obito & Kurama incident.

Pragmatic stoic leaders whose twisted actions reflect the harsh reality of the world they’re living in. Props to Kishimoto and Oda for pulling such characters in a shonen, I think Akainu’s arc will surprise a lot of people with the complexity of his character.

Some highlights of Danzo’s character
@TheAncientCenturion @ZenZu @Shiroyru
Sorry, was at the airport all day when you posted this.

They're definitely characters with similar mindsets though I do think Akainu is a little more "heroic" compared to Danzo and far less morally compromised. Danzo strikes me as a more real politik, Henry Kissinger type. His actions are whole heartedly evil, they come from a place that benefits Danzo directly (which may or may not benefit the village in the long run) and it's clear there's no line he won't cross if it means his ideology will succeed over Hiruzen's (and by extension, Hashirama's).

Akainu's far more reasonable in his extremism. Piracy is a major threat to ordinary people and most pirates are horrible people. He operates in a totalitarians government because that's the only avenue to pursue his brand of justice. He doesn't get the same leeway as Danzo, he can't call the shots but I do like how Akainu is ready to fully commit to almost any action to preserve the integrity of the marines (which helps strengthen them).

I will say, between the two, Danzo is far more decisive and probably more aligned with the Gorosei lol. Akainu's compassion towards Kuzan allowed Kuzan to live after their duel.

Danzo tried to ally with Hanzo to kill Hiruzen not far after the Third Shinobi War & the Kyuubi attack happened, when Konoha was at its all time low. Put Danzo in charge of the Navy and it's getting so much less ethical.
They're definitely characters with similar mindsets though I do think Akainu is a little more "heroic" compared to Danzo and far less morally compromised. Danzo strikes me as a more real politik, Henry Kissinger type. His actions are whole heartedly evil, they come from a place that benefits Danzo directly (which may or may not benefit the village in the long run) and it's clear there's no line he won't cross if it means his ideology will succeed over Hiruzen's (and by extension, Hashirama's).
Yeah I'd say Danzo is far more cunning and vile, for two reasons mainly, Danzo was always the underdog in the hokage race so he had to work behind the shadows, and the second is Narutoverse being a more intelligent world than OP. Kabuto's flashback and how Danzo manipulated the scene was as brutal as it gets, Akainu doesn't have to be as crafty to get what he wants, he charges straightforward at it.

Sakazuki still does wicked things like bombing the Ohara civilians, even without orders to do so, that's precisely what his thorough justice is about, but the difference is Saka was angry giving the order, Danzo on the other hand feels no remorse whatsoever. With that said, Danzo is still a farcry from the Gorosei, as his actions still stem from good intentions, but he definitely makes Akainu look like a rookie lol
The actions do benefit Danzo's power directly, naturally since he believes only he could fix the village. Still counts as non selfish reasons.


I will never forgive Oda
Who has more chakra
19 y/o naruto ( end of shippuden )
Who do you guys think has the most?
I think its probably naruto
@SakazOuki @TheAncientCenturion @MarineHQ etc etc.
Naruto after receiving the Sage of Six Paths' chakra is definitely above Hashirama and likely above any individual bijuu IMO.

But, prior to meeting the Sage of Six Paths...? Lol.

Hashirama > Naruto + Kurama's chakra lmfao


I will never forgive Oda
Yeah I'd say Danzo is far more cunning and vile, for two reasons mainly, Danzo was always the underdog in the hokage race so he had to work behind the shadows, and the second is Narutoverse being a more intelligent world than OP. Kabuto's flashback and how Danzo manipulated the scene was as brutal as it gets, Akainu doesn't have to be as crafty to get what he wants, he charges straightforward at it.

Sakazuki still does wicked things like bombing the Ohara civilians, even without orders to do so, that's precisely what his thorough justice is about, but the difference is Saka was angry giving the order, Danzo on the other hand feels no remorse whatsoever. With that said, Danzo is still a farcry from the Gorosei, as his actions still stem from good intentions, but he definitely makes Akainu look like a rookie lol
The actions do benefit Danzo's power directly, naturally since he believes only he could fix the village. Still counts as non selfish reasons.
Danzo's very interesting because I definitely believe Danzo thinks everything he does is for the sake of Konoha and every time he betters his own position, it'll help Konoha in the long run.

But I don't believe that. Even calculated risks like not helping against Pein banks on the probability that Tsunade survives this assault on Konoha and the village won't be totally devastated. Which makes him a lot less genuine and more devious, for me. Obviously he's ride or die with Konoha, he gives his life for the village and not being quickly enough to volunteer to die as a child is what pushes him to make the harder decisions in life down the road. But I do think his priorities got crossed.

I think most of Sakazuki's actions make sense in a twisted way. Killing the Ohara civilians is purely pragmatic and he does it because all other deaths are senseless, if one archeologist survives. It's evil and vile but he's trying to make it this massacre matter, in a warped way. Which makes him come off as better, morally.

Maybe Danzo isn't as bad as the Gorosei, he's not as self indulgent, but ROOT itself is far more vile than any institution in the World Gov, barring the Celestial Dragons and their slave trade. Cipher Pol Agents are pampered compared to what Danzo did to his ROOT agents
But I don't believe that. Even calculated risks like not helping against Pein banks on the probability that Tsunade survives this assault on Konoha and the village won't be totally devastated. Which makes him a lot less genuine and more devious, for me. Obviously he's ride or die with Konoha, he gives his life for the village and not being quickly enough to volunteer to die as a child is what pushes him to make the harder decisions in life down the road. But I do think his priorities got crossed.

This is a very valid point that changed alot of my understanding of Danzo's character. Danzo's last words went smth like "So I didn't end up becoming Hokage, Hiruzen". That's a very selfish statement to make, and as Itachi said Shinobi know their true worth in their last moments. Kisame experienced that first hand.
But Danzo also went out like a hero with his curse jutsu, so I guess both goals meant a lot to him. Probably the most narcissistic character ever written lol
Who has more chakra
19 y/o naruto ( end of shippuden )
Who do you guys think has the most?
I think its probably naruto
@SakazOuki @TheAncientCenturion @MarineHQ etc etc.
Rikudo mode naruto has most charkra by far only surpassed by bijuu madara and Kaguya.

As for Kurama and Hashirama I am not sure. While hashirama stated that the chakra naruto shared while in KCM mode with others were equivalent of his own I am not sure if he mean his base chakra or SM chakra as a whole.

I say this because hashirama created something like Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands which clearly was more powerful than Kurama.

Imo chakra wise --Eos Naruto >>> Hashirama SM > Kyubi > Base Hashirama
I just finished rereading Naruto a few days ago and despite it being shorter than One Piece I would consider it significantly better in almost every way. Whether it's the akatsuki being an amzing cast of villains on top of insanely great individual villains like Orochimaru, pain, Madara etc, the fight choreographies and just how much creativity Kishimoto put into his power system albeit not being perfect since genjutsu was a bit underdeveloped, the investment into the events and characters and so much more.

I can however, confidently say that Kishimoto could have done a better job at world building, although we meet plenty of shinobi and factions from villages other than Konoha, the actual places were barely shown making Naruto's world feel a bit empty, atleast for me, this is one area where I have to admit Oda did it much better.

One Piece's lenght is also a detriment, although it's fun to follow the Strawhats for hundreds of chapter, admittedly it's not necessary for a manga to exceed a thousand chapters, especially when you consider just how much time Oda wastes on things that aren't necessary. Just look at arcs like Dressrosa or Wano, the amount of plot threads and characters being involved is abysmal and only distracts from the stuff that we actually want to see and that progresses the story.
I just finished rereading Naruto a few days ago and despite it being shorter than One Piece I would consider it significantly better in almost every way. Whether it's the akatsuki being an amzing cast of villains on top of insanely great individual villains like Orochimaru, pain, Madara etc, the fight choreographies and just how much creativity Kishimoto put into his power system albeit not being perfect since genjutsu was a bit underdeveloped, the investment into the events and characters and so much more.

I can however, confidently say that Kishimoto could have done a better job at world building, although we meet plenty of shinobi and factions from villages other than Konoha, the actual places were barely shown making Naruto's world feel a bit empty, atleast for me, this is one area where I have to admit Oda did it much better.

One Piece's lenght is also a detriment, although it's fun to follow the Strawhats for hundreds of chapter, admittedly it's not necessary for a manga to exceed a thousand chapters, especially when you consider just how much time Oda wastes on things that aren't necessary. Just look at arcs like Dressrosa or Wano, the amount of plot threads and characters being involved is abysmal and only distracts from the stuff that we actually want to see and that progresses the story.
Naruto minus final arc is a level above one piece imo.