Controversial Neo Rocks

You get the vision

As for Hancock I never thought about it but it could be really cool. I’ve been against the idea of her joining cross guild a group that is directly against luffy’s but her joining neo rock’s would be dope. Yamato, katakuri, and weevil are all big luffy stans so whatever they do they won’t hurt luffy

Yonko trio son hype theory
Katakuri, yamato, and weevil are going to parallel their "parents" during their rocks years

  1. I don't think theyll ever reach the level of their parents in their prime but they'll probably be more or less as strong as them in their rookie years
  2. Each of them will allie with luffy in some way or another
    • Katakuri wants luffy to take down big mom and once shes taken out of the picture itll lead to him along with the rest of his family's to have alot more freedom of how to live their lives. And at least some of the crew is likely going to choose to follow kata. It was even foreshadowed twice in zou with luffy being fine with sanji's wife joining their crew and him telling pekoms that the bmp's should join under him rather than the other way around
    • Weevil while seemingly extremely dumb and manipulatable by at least his mother really doesn't seem like a genuinely bad person. He even wants to get revenge against blackbeard because what hes done to whitebeard. Im pretty sure if anyone could see the good in him luffy could leading them to becoming friends. And if he does end up turning face and getting a better role model than bakkin maybe some of the remaining disbanded wbp can become on good terms with him
    • Yamato is already more than 100% on board with following luffy to the point of even wanting to join his crew. Before i keep talking just need to clarify im not sayin this is 100% gonna happen its just a theory and I don't hate yamato 🗿. In the event that yamato doesn't become an official full time strawhat i can see him maybe starting his own crew with of the "good" beast pirates like the smile users tama "recruited", some of the pleasures and waiters betrayed on the live floor, and maybe even an aged up tama with how many parallels/similarities they got goin on
  3. All that to say i think they might form a permanent mini rocks alliance with all the remnants of each crew joining forces
  4. Each might specialize in one form of top tier haki
    • Katakuri has decent conquerors and armament but has the highest level of observation that weve seen so far. Luffy is so far the only other character we know that has fs. Tho im pretty sure at least 1 of the logia admirals has it along with some other characters
    • Yamato has decent observation and armament but has conquerors on the same level weve onky seen from luffy, kaido, big mom, roger, and newgate so far
    • So with that logic weevil have basic observation and even conquerors but have the strongest type of armament haki
  5. Each might have a special devil fruit that acts like 2 maybe
    • Katakuri has a paramecia with similar properties to a logia
    • Yamato has a zoan with similar properties to a paramecia
    • Maybe somehow weevil has a logia with similar properties to a zoan. Idk how exactly itd work but the yami fruit exist and its pretty difficult than just about every other logia
  6. As for who will protect wano, tottoland, and sphinx
    • With momo aged up and with him soon to become shogun im sure oda could make him just strong enough especially with the help of all the other samurai under him
    • A decent amount big mom pirates will likely choose to just stay and protect tottoland. And if katakuri ends up leaving im sure perospero would absolutely love that so he could be king. Tho depending how mink racist he becomes maybe someone else might need to take over like smoothie instead for some reason lol
    • And im sure Marco would love to go back into early retirement helping out at sphinx again
I used to think Katakuri, weevil, and Yamato could team up to parallel rocks but with cross guild idk

I do think those 3 are still successors in a way to their parents tho
  • Katakuri taking up Linlin’s role as head of the family with him doing it out of actual love and care for them instead of using them as tools. Them following out of love and not fear
  • Yamato succeeding where kaido failed in wano. Kaido trying break the samurai and to take wano by force. Yamato loving the samurai working together with them
    • Kaido potentially wanted pluton with Yamato (named after a ship even) actually using it
  • Weevil is a mystery for now but he might be what the whitebeard pirates need to reunite
It’d be interesting to see them interact with cross guild tbh. Especially if crocodile, Moria, and mihawk all challenged their parents back in the day

I know lots of people want/expect Doflamingo and weevil to join cross guild including myself at a point but I don’t think they should tbh. Imo both characters can be better utilized outside of cross guild

For Doflamingo I do think his goals of wanting to see the world government fall is a bigger goal for him than the one piece. With the main focus of cross guild now being buggy rekindling their forgotten desire for the treasure I don’t think Doflamingo will fully fit in line. I think him teaming up with the revolutionaries in some type of way to fight against the celestial dragons would be really fitting for him. Especially if tsuru finally worked her magic on doffy slightly cleansing his heart.
On top of that
  • 3 of the og warlords going after the one piece with crocodile, mihawk, and moria
  • 3 of the og warlords going after the celestial dragons as revenge. Those 3 also being rulers of kingdoms with Doflamingo, Hancock, and Kuma
  • 1 doing both aka Jinbe the goat

As for what weevil could do? Personally I think him leading/protecting the remnants of the whitebeard pirates would be really cool. Weevil doesn’t seem like a bad guy at all just confused and mislead. He genuinely seems to care about protecting whitebeard’s legacy with him protecting sphinx while Marco was away and him hating Blackbeard. Marco helping save him might help him realize that the wbp’s aren’t as bad as him mom has been letting on. With him potentially seeing them as siblings he has to protect.
He’s most likely going to get along well with luffy just like Yamato and katakuri the other emperor sons. Speaking of them katakuri is definitely going to do everything in his power to protect his family now that big mom is gone. Yamato will also probably end up leading the remaining beast pirates that ended up staying in wano.

Moria is 100% gonna join tho
Not only does he fit the theme of cross guild. Which is basically middle aged men having a mid life crisis trying to do things they always wanted to do when they were young but gave up on. On top of that perona. Moria himself has nowhere else to go while perona has ties to mihawk who is obviously a member of cross guild
What if;

what if Katakuri, Yamato, Weevil, Boa Hancock formed a neo-Rocks crew:gokulaugh:
Ace is Dead. Weevil we still aren't sure what the hell that patched up crap is.
Hancock is Luffy's wife.
Stussy is a clone that got fingered to death by Lucci.
BB is likely some D off-spring but he has his crew already.
Yamato is a fake Oden that decided to stay in Wano instead. Oden had nothing to do with Rocks.
I would have expected a daughter of BM instead of Katakuri.

Surprised you didn't randomly mention Bonney in there.
Katakuri still has a duty to his giant family. Yamato and Hancock would both be in the strawhats or nothing if they went out to join a pirate crew. Weevil is the only one it makes sense for, but he'd have no other members.
Weird ship but I always liked the idea of Hancock and katakuri if it didn’t work out with luffy lol
Katakuri still has a duty to his giant family. Yamato and Hancock would both be in the strawhats or nothing if they went out to join a pirate crew. Weevil is the only one it makes sense for, but he'd have no other members.
Maybe some of the Blackbeard Pirates will end up going to wano next maybe to try and steal pluton or something
That way katakuri, Yamato, weevil, and maybe Hancock will all have beef with them. With them all deciding to get back at him maybe they accidentally end up getting along and teaming up through theluffy
Weird ship but I always liked the idea of Hancock and katakuri if it didn’t work out with luffy lol

Maybe some of the Blackbeard Pirates will end up going to wano next maybe to try and steal pluton or something
That way katakuri, Yamato, weevil, and maybe Hancock will all have beef with them. With them all deciding to get back at him maybe they accidentally end up getting along and teaming up through theluffy
Katakuri and Weevil have no beef with Blackbeard and only Yamato would be present for this. And if Yamato or Hancock wanted to fight Blackbeard by joining a pirate crew, again, they'd join Luffy, not form a new one with Weevil.
Katakuri and Weevil have no beef with Blackbeard and only Yamato would be present for this. And if Yamato or Hancock wanted to fight Blackbeard by joining a pirate crew, again, they'd join Luffy, not form a new one with Weevil.
Weevil automatically hates Teach cause he killed his dad and the BB pirates kidnapped Pudding
Katakuri and Weevil have no beef with Blackbeard and only Yamato would be present for this. And if Yamato or Hancock wanted to fight Blackbeard by joining a pirate crew, again, they'd join Luffy, not form a new one with Weevil.
What he said
The first time we even see weevil he says he hates bb
Weevil automatically hates Teach cause he killed his dad and the BB pirates kidnapped Pudding
If it actually does happen what if stussy also ends up joining. Not the old one but the clone

Also while I’m still learning towards Moria joining cross guild because of perona what if he joins them instead?
He already had a lot of the bodies of old rock’s members so he seemingly is at least a slight fan. Him joining a new gen version of them could be cool