I still debate to this day who had the worst ending between SNK and Bleach, I just remember everything about what pissed me off about Bleach in the end
The ship match ups some are still pissed about between ichigo having orihimie over Rukia while I am pissed that ichigo did not end up with his childhood friend Tatsuki.
Literally kenpachi, hitsugaya, byakuya were off screened with the giant and no one saw what the aftermath of the explosion was with Grimmjow, Urahara and yoruichi and her brother.
Ichigo works for a new form so hard but jobs when people were expecting an amazing one on one fight with Ywach, instead he needed Aizen to kill him in the blandest way possible without the form he gained.
Harribel was shown to be captured but I guess Kubo forgot about her since we thought she was introduced for an important plot later. I will probably just stick around for the animated fights like kenpachi fighting imagination dude.
Is Kubo continuing the Bleach Hell Gate Arc or doing Burn the Witch?
I still debate to this day who had the worst ending between SNK and Bleach, I just remember everything about what pissed me off about Bleach in the end
The ship match ups some are still pissed about between ichigo having orihimie over Rukia while I am pissed that ichigo did not end up with his childhood friend Tatsuki.
Literally kenpachi, hitsugaya, byakuya were off screened with the giant and no one saw what the aftermath of the explosion was with Grimmjow, Urahara and yoruichi and her brother.
Ichigo works for a new form so hard but jobs when people were expecting an amazing one on one fight with Ywach, instead he needed Aizen to kill him in the blandest way possible without the form he gained.
Harribel was shown to be captured but I guess Kubo forgot about her since we thought she was introduced for an important plot later. I will probably just stick around for the animated fights like kenpachi fighting imagination dude.
Is Kubo continuing the Bleach Hell Gate Arc or doing Burn the Witch?
The ship match ups some are still pissed about between ichigo having orihimie over Rukia while I am pissed that ichigo did not end up with his childhood friend Tatsuki.
no it wasn’t haaha WSJ gave him a deadline to finish the manga before he even wanted to it’s why his work was so lazy and sloppy. you weren’t around for the OJ bleach convos so I understand why you don’t know this
no it wasn’t haaha WSJ gave him a deadline to finish the manga before he even wanted to it’s why his work was so lazy and sloppy. you weren’t around for the OJ bleach convos so I understand why you don’t know this
I'm not denying that WSJ gave him a timeline, but his health is the reason for that. I haven't found anything that implies he had problems with them, but there is plenty of evidence that his health was declining.
It literally makes no sense for him to be rushed when it was still doing more numbers than other manga and those didn't get axed or rushed. You're right tho, I wasn't there for the OG Bleach convos so maybe I'm wrong.
Is anyone from the OG Gotei 13 in Squad 0?
I'm not really deep in Bleach lore. I only read the manga, so if it's mentiomed in any of the light novels feel free to spoil me
Is anyone from the OG Gotei 13 in Squad 0?
I'm not really deep in Bleach lore. I only read the manga, so if it's mentiomed in any of the light novels feel free to spoil me
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