Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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It's never Flower imo, dueling out her own teammate isn't her kinda thing I don't think. If you ask her she considers herself 5 times cleared or whatever the fuck. The only point I could somewhat give you here is the fact she's still alive seems kinda weird.

Crying I found reasons to read town along the way which I forgot by now. Him going back to reread d1 doesn't seem fake though and his constant questioning of me today also doesn't seem malicious or in search of a gotcha so happy to just say town here.

Flower made a point yesterday that Himes frustration at the modlynch seemed genuine. By now I say that something like that is easy to fake imo and compared to Crying, her questioning of me seemed more gotcha-y and less driven by logic. It's like she has all these points why I'm not scum right in front of her and she just chooses to brush em all aside and believe in fringe scenarios where I'm scum anyway instead. Then when those points whiff she goes with ahaaaa but you might be indy or ahaaa three protective roles make no sense, ignoring the fact that this is role madness and those preconceptions don't apply. Kinda don't know what to think of all this, it's annoying at best and scummy at worst.

Yoho is still a wet lettuce but I can buy the utility of his role as towny tbh.

York I frankly have no idea. Can anyone explain to me why everybody just silently agrees it's not them?

Orca I have no reason to read either way as well tbh. Can't remember a single thing he's done this game.

In summary my POE is

Hime = Orca > York > Yoho > Crying > Flower
Part of York, I thought she was claiming Miller, but her further explanation of the being treated as machine ties directly into my rust passive, so feels very towny. Also, your reasoning on me is so very bad, you might be scum. Thats the best you got at this stage for a vote?
Part of York, I thought she was claiming Miller, but her further explanation of the being treated as machine ties directly into my rust passive, so feels very towny. Also, your reasoning on me is so very bad, you might be scum. Thats the best you got at this stage for a vote?
I disagree that "hasn't done anything, POE" is a bad reason at this stage. You could also remind me of what you've done that should make me clear you and I might reconsider.
Hime is either Town or exactly the Red Girls btw.

She is the Town leader/scum leader public protect role Ekko loves putting in his games.
Well that'd be fitting considering we're looking pretty much exactly for the Red Girls. I think we can all agree it's that role plus at most one additional scum at this point
It's never Flower imo, dueling out her own teammate isn't her kinda thing I don't think. If you ask her she considers herself 5 times cleared or whatever the fuck. The only point I could somewhat give you here is the fact she's still alive seems kinda weird.

Crying I found reasons to read town along the way which I forgot by now. Him going back to reread d1 doesn't seem fake though and his constant questioning of me today also doesn't seem malicious or in search of a gotcha so happy to just say town here.

Flower made a point yesterday that Himes frustration at the modlynch seemed genuine. By now I say that something like that is easy to fake imo and compared to Crying, her questioning of me seemed more gotcha-y and less driven by logic. It's like she has all these points why I'm not scum right in front of her and she just chooses to brush em all aside and believe in fringe scenarios where I'm scum anyway instead. Then when those points whiff she goes with ahaaaa but you might be indy or ahaaa three protective roles make no sense, ignoring the fact that this is role madness and those preconceptions don't apply. Kinda don't know what to think of all this, it's annoying at best and scummy at worst.

Yoho is still a wet lettuce but I can buy the utility of his role as towny tbh.

York I frankly have no idea. Can anyone explain to me why everybody just silently agrees it's not them?

Orca I have no reason to read either way as well tbh. Can't remember a single thing he's done this game.

In summary my POE is

Hime = Orca > York > Yoho > Crying > Flower
mmm I still think Orca reloading Flower is super anti-mafia and that the talk at night and prevent boss monster attacks is anti-mafia, moreso than being able to post mod messages every day (Yoho) or give people a second target (York). Why would mafia have a role that spawns boss monsters and protect from boss monsters? And so far every mafia role besides boss monsters seems to be infinite shot so what use do they have for a reload? Unless they could reload boss monster and if so they could just quietly spam unvoteable boss monster and just steal a partners fakeclaim.

I stick with my POE of KWEH York Yoho. All the scum roles so far have “you are x alignment but treated as y alignment” and the backup target seems just as lame as Lemon’s “you get too priority”-izer. I still don’t buy KWEH’s 2-shot rust prevention + 2+ shot commute claim. And Yoho has a bad D1 with motivations I can’t fully understand. The mod messages are confirmable but don’t say anything much. Also the messages from the Yorha don’t say much either.
I am also still under the impression that mafia shot Polar on accident and that Polar - despite maybe knowing he could convert to mafia - found too many scum D1 and was shot for it and their top reads were KWEH and Yoho as scum


What could have been...
Day 6 - Vote Count 2

Orca ->
Hime -> Kweh
Kweh -> Yoho > Unvote > Orca > Hime

Hime = 2 (Orca, Kweh)
Kweh = 1 (Hime)

Please let me know if I made any mistakes.​

You have a little more than 20 minutes to discuss lynch.
With 7 alive, it is 4 votes required to achieve majority.

Day 6 ends in - Countdown

Living Players [7/23]
  1. @Yoho
  2. @York
  3. @The Orca
  4. @KWEH
  5. @Flower
  6. @Crying bc no Cryo
  7. @hime
Dead Players [16/23]
  1. @Butterscotch Sundae - YoRHA No. 9 Type S (9S) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 1
  2. @Polar Bear - Adam - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 1
  3. @Luka - Eve - Machine Network aligned - Lynched Day 2
  4. - The Logic Virus - Machine Network aligned - Died Night 2
  5. @Fujishiro - ??? - YoRHa aligned - Consumed by Simone Day 3 - Flipped Day 3: YoRHa No. 6 Type O (6O)
  6. @Gadonkadonk - The Network - Machine Network aligned - Dueled out Day 3
  7. @Pot Goblin - YoRHa No. 2 Type B (2B) - YoRHa aligned - Executed Day 3
  8. @Ultra - Animal Loving Machine - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  9. @Charlie - Immanuel - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  10. @Red Night @tepig19283 - Plato 1728 - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 3
  11. @T-Pein™ @Rej - Jean Paul - Machine Lifeform aligned - Claimed by the Sand Trials Day 4
  12. @Alwaysmind - YoRHa Type A No. 2 (A2) - Pearl Harbor Descend aligned - Lynched Day 4
  13. @Indigo - Kierkegaard - Machine Lifeform aligned - Died Night 4
  14. @Alexis2282AE - Jackass - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  15. @Yo Tan Wa - YoRHa No. 21 Type O (21O) - YoRHa aligned - Died Night 4
  16. @Random Asshole @Worst - YoRHa No. 8 Type B (8B) - YoRHa aligned - Lynched Day 5.
  1. @Ratchet
  2. @Orwellian
mmm I still think Orca reloading Flower is super anti-mafia and that the talk at night and prevent boss monster attacks is anti-mafia, moreso than being able to post mod messages every day (Yoho) or give people a second target (York). Why would mafia have a role that spawns boss monsters and protect from boss monsters? And so far every mafia role besides boss monsters seems to be infinite shot so what use do they have for a reload? Unless they could reload boss monster and if so they could just quietly spam unvoteable boss monster and just steal a partners fakeclaim.

I stick with my POE of KWEH York Yoho. All the scum roles so far have “you are x alignment but treated as y alignment” and the backup target seems just as lame as Lemon’s “you get too priority”-izer. I still don’t buy KWEH’s 2-shot rust prevention + 2+ shot commute claim. And Yoho has a bad D1 with motivations I can’t fully understand. The mod messages are confirmable but don’t say anything much. Also the messages from the Yorha don’t say much either.
I am also still under the impression that mafia shot Polar on accident and that Polar - despite maybe knowing he could convert to mafia - found too many scum D1 and was shot for it and their top reads were KWEH and Yoho as scum
Who's got the protection from boss monsters thing again?

I've paid great attention to this game as you can see derp
Jesus, we're right down to the wire, huh

Call me crazy for being the only one without my tinfoil hat on at this point, but I personally don't think it's Hime or Kweh
mmm I still think Orca reloading Flower is super anti-mafia and that the talk at night and prevent boss monster attacks is anti-mafia, moreso than being able to post mod messages every day (Yoho) or give people a second target (York). Why would mafia have a role that spawns boss monsters and protect from boss monsters? And so far every mafia role besides boss monsters seems to be infinite shot so what use do they have for a reload? Unless they could reload boss monster and if so they could just quietly spam unvoteable boss monster and just steal a partners fakeclaim.

I stick with my POE of KWEH York Yoho. All the scum roles so far have “you are x alignment but treated as y alignment” and the backup target seems just as lame as Lemon’s “you get too priority”-izer. I still don’t buy KWEH’s 2-shot rust prevention + 2+ shot commute claim. And Yoho has a bad D1 with motivations I can’t fully understand. The mod messages are confirmable but don’t say anything much. Also the messages from the Yorha don’t say much either.
I am also still under the impression that mafia shot Polar on accident and that Polar - despite maybe knowing he could convert to mafia - found too many scum D1 and was shot for it and their top reads were KWEH and Yoho as scum
Protect from Boss monsters makes sense for the Red Girls tho. 1) They control the boss monsters and can tell them who not to attack flavour wise and 2) it's a strong claim for a role that's implied can be a lost wolf for the whole game.

Idk, her claim doesn't clear Hime. Would have to look at play, but I'm too tired to reread.
Protect from Boss monsters makes sense for the Red Girls tho. 1) They control the boss monsters and can tell them who not to attack flavour wise and 2) it's a strong claim for a role that's implied can be a lost wolf for the whole game.

Idk, her claim doesn't clear Hime. Would have to look at play, but I'm too tired to reread.
Ykno I'd really love to talk about this with you for a bit but the timerrrrrr

Do you think the role is real but potentially scum or do you think maybe she faked it completely?
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