Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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Sup. Choir Practice. Later.
Literally your first post in the thread is a "hey I'm here, gots to go!" which is a standard wolf opening, but what makes it PARTICULARLY notable here, is that you NEVER ACTULLY GO. You start talking random role sheet and win conditions with Fuji, which looks like a distancing effort, and just stay in the thread like you forgot you were supposedly going to choir practice.

Nah. At least I wasn’t given a fake claim or have a team, so I assume I‘m at worst an Indie.
Is Machine Lifeform Town, Fuji.
Destroy the threats?
Destroy the enemy.
I just sheep you Ig.
Then you double down how wolfy you look by just deciding to sheep the person who has made it abundantly clear that whatever their win condition reads, it does NOT read the same as yours does, based upon nothing more than their quick wiki of your "situation."

I‘m Vanilla otherwise kek.
Okay, sure. Does anyone believe that?

Vote lynch Flower
Why are you sad? Machines don't have emotions. Well, except that one robot in i-Robot.
there's a person behind the screen with dreams and emotions and a life outside of this game and that person is very upset that they got roped into joining a game on a random website with mostly a bunch of strangers bc their friend said they'd join in too but they didn't only to end up having ppl not like them for being openly sad and that person has other things they should be doing but they have an addictive personality and are a people-pleaser so they can't just let go of something like this even when it shouldn't matter and they should definitely be focusing on the things that actually do matter instead of slowly decaying here and continuing to post

jk im actually just iCarly from iRobot and that's the sad one boo hoo hoo
Vote Butterscotch Sundae.

Okay, so you have no interest in solving my slot. You also fail to take all the relevant stuff into consideration.

1) If I‘m scum why am I confused about what the Town alignment is?
2) If I‘m scum how are all my Town readers who‘ve known me for years by now so wrong?

No answers to any of that, you just want to push.
I literally said I was about to go pull a few posts. And you immediately went "OMG NO INTEREST KILL WITH FIRE."

Yeah, feeling very good about my vote now.
Why am I at the top of people you're interested in lol

or maybe the red means least interested which would make more sense.

Overall what does this mean?
Basically red is bad, orange is not as bad, green is good. Just a different way to post scum, scum but not as strong feelings, null, and town

After the few games I've played with you, you are automatically put up in the scum pile until you show me something to move off of that (activity and content) after catching up i think you have earned a new status on my list

Why are all the Germans in this game Machines?
Who else id German?

i mean i guess so. the issue i still have is barely any ppl have claimed yorha and a lot of ppl have claimed machine so scum can prob still hide in the machine core.

idk. we're still assuming the existence of a unified big bad, but if town is divided then why couldn't scum be too? Like what if this is 2 towns vs all different 3p?
Scum have probably jumped into claiming machine ealy and often given what has been established

The rules SPECIFICALLY SAID to paraphrase. "What exactly" is NOT a paraphrase and I will die on this hill. If you think that makes me a hostile, lynch me or stfu.
Stay chill with me, just ignore all that talk and move on and solve. No need to keep rehashing it or let it effect your chill self

Can't say anyone comes close to Transformers Megan Fox lol

Here's a thought: perhaps instead of relying upon people to tell us their roles and alignment, we seek out and execute those that are showing signs of deception?
He hasn't fully caught up yet, give him time.

He is still a bit frosty,

Not much to say about his posts so far.
What about you? What do you think about the cry baby android post restriction?:

I dont think Crying is post restricted unless there is a character that it could apply to in this theme. I believe they are doing it sticking with the bit they wanted to do before the game. They have broken from it a few times I think, so post restriction is not happening is my guess. As to reading them, townish if I had to put a label on it. Thoughts on Flower feel good from them, questions about my posts I like the inquiry from them. Does feel like they are trying to solve through the bit as well
Vote Butterscotch Sundae.

Okay, so you have no interest in solving my slot. You also fail to take all the relevant stuff into consideration.

1) If I‘m scum why am I confused about what the Town alignment is?
2) If I‘m scum how are all my Town readers who‘ve known me for years by now so wrong?

No answers to any of that, you just want to push.
Literally your first post in the thread is a "hey I'm here, gots to go!" which is a standard wolf opening, but what makes it PARTICULARLY notable here, is that you NEVER ACTULLY GO. You start talking random role sheet and win conditions with Fuji, which looks like a distancing effort, and just stay in the thread like you forgot you were supposedly going to choir practice.

Then you double down how wolfy you look by just deciding to sheep the person who has made it abundantly clear that whatever their win condition reads, it does NOT read the same as yours does, based upon nothing more than their quick wiki of your "situation."

Okay, sure. Does anyone believe that?

Vote lynch Flower
Considering this is your first time playing here it's very weird that your lead suspects are both very active players and cherry picking stuff that doesn't really seem all that convincing.

In your experience, is this a reliable way for you to find scum? Pick the top one or two posters and tunnel them over not leaving the thread or asking for a wincon?

Part of me wants to reconcile this as really bad town but I can see you being scum and trying to powerwolf here because the way you're handling Fuji/Flower doesn't feel like you're supplying reasons good enough to match your level of confidence. It's just really bad faith interpretations of what they're doing.
Literally your first post in the thread is a "hey I'm here, gots to go!" which is a standard wolf opening, but what makes it PARTICULARLY notable here, is that you NEVER ACTULLY GO. You start talking random role sheet and win conditions with Fuji, which looks like a distancing effort, and just stay in the thread like you forgot you were supposedly going to choir practice.

Then you double down how wolfy you look by just deciding to sheep the person who has made it abundantly clear that whatever their win condition reads, it does NOT read the same as yours does, based upon nothing more than their quick wiki of your "situation."

Okay, sure. Does anyone believe that?

Vote lynch Flower
yo, when i'm saying i'm like 99% sure she's town, do you think i'm just completely wrong or am i her scummate? :o
Literally your first post in the thread is a "hey I'm here, gots to go!" which is a standard wolf opening, but what makes it PARTICULARLY notable here, is that you NEVER ACTULLY GO. You start talking random role sheet and win conditions with Fuji, which looks like a distancing effort, and just stay in the thread like you forgot you were supposedly going to choir practice.
This is what you are going with? This seems really "fake"
Looking through Butter's posts it does feels like they're instantly arriving at reasons for scum reading people and not really going through a questioning or process of suspicion to get there. It's just "yep, they did this, they're scum".

I also feel like there's a performative aspect of their play in regards to the claims situation going on. Like they're making a big show of telling people to just play the game and not bother with this. Which I kinda get but also can easily see that as getting annoyed.

Usually wouldn't vote someone this aggressive day 1 but think I'd be down to make them claim
idk if BS is the move tho just bc they've been consistently doing this, which means they chose violence and powerwolfing from the very start if wolf. BS was one of the first to claim Yorha's wincon too but maybe that's angleshooting. plus i don't actually know what the yorha wincon is
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