Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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Hypocritical, maybe. Two faced? No.

And feel free to preach about hypocrisy when you have tried over and over again to be reasonable with someone and they just take everything you say and twist it. The good news is that it's a fairly reliable way to catch a wolf, so Ultra is definitely manipulating and wolfing here. If you all have to flip me to believe me, that's fine. My powers will outlive me.
Vote lynch Random Asshole

Join me, Crying.
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✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
oh boo hoo i think i'll also make a list of who i do and don't want to vote off today
no yeet:

random asshole

everyone else is somewhere in between but i don't have enough confidence to sort them boo hoo hoo
Are the four of us on the yeet list cause we aren't doing much?
Really?? I'd say outside of your attempt to shade my joke post, Sundae is the lowest of hanging fruit. Your 2 pushes have been based on a pure joke post (me) and Sundae for going at flower. In fact, from that moment on, Sundae has been the LHF within the thread.

I'll go back to that post and see who all just go for it as it hit the thread in the head.

Now on the flip side, I do feel Sundae is going at the LHF Flower, but it's kinda what I'd expect from her, definitely not from you
Flower and someone with 20 years of experience are LHF in your estimation?

That's certainly an opinion of all time

Lemme ask, who other than Ultra isn't LHF in your book?


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
@Yoho a yeet/no yeet list would be a step in the right direction
My current suspects- York, Fushi, Flower, Butters

The first 3 because they all claimed day one unprovoked which i found unusual, in the games I've played i don't recall ever seeing someone claim day one without being asked or pushed

Butters because she seems to have 5 votes so I'm wondering why more than a hand full of people seen to think she's scum

Everyone else is null for now
Since when am I a LHF?
In terms of your post and the game setup, you were immediately imo LHF potentially for some. I do think pushing you is a great way to get you to peacock town

Yeah, I'm not willing my powers to someone who doesn't share my win condition. Sorry, not sorry.
High, nice to meet you, the meaning of life shall be the same for you and me

SK on another site?

I feel you though not wanting to let scum just do nothing
Fanverseeeee game

If you take a brief look at some other games she's played it's clear she knows what she's doing. I would only town read her here if frankly I assume she's just a bad player because how they read into you/Flower's very mundane reactions as a grand conspiracy.

I mean basically here's my argument:

This is Orca's interpretation of you/Flower's play. Very reasonable and likely close to the truth. Doesn't take much to assume you both faking that sequence is unlikely.

Now account for the fact that Orca isn't even that good as town and I'm pretty sure Butters is kinda good?
Lmao. Take a poll and you'd find out otherwise

That's fine. I'm happy not to kill Flower or Fuji, but if I get yeeted, I'm not passing along any powers to someone who doesn't share my wincon, so Flower is off the table for that.
Look up and you'd see me there waiting 🤣

i understand we all have PRs


what if the yorha are the super mega PRs?

boo hoo the crusade to find the machines may have outted our super hyper mega power roles
Definitely won't be the case

Lemon caught in 401k COACHING his scum mate Polar !???!?
You are for sure not town. SK or mafia lock

I don't have anything to ask at the moment, I'm curious why he has the opposite meanings of lhf i guess, I'm interested in his reasons on why he townread Butter.

He probably did and i skimmed it didn't read it too indepth these last 3 pages or so
Whats the definition of LHF?

Also Sundae is calm, collected, maintaining her thought about activity excuses across multiple people and not cracking under pressure (as well as seems to have similar thoughts about someone that I do)

lol i was going to mention that he shouldn't mention ongoing games at all since it is against Mafia universe rules but like i didn't care enough and I didn't want to make it a bigger issue than it had to be. Since nothing bad happened
I didn't say anything about the game so I thought it was fine. Totally my bad if it's not.
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