Role Madness NieR: Automata Mafia Game Thread [Game State: Game End - Indie Victory]

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Lets here it, detail the thoughts and reasons
Last game you were fairly aggressive early on and you had this air about you that you're the one asking the questions and making the decisions

This game you spent the first half of d1 commenting on fluff/useless stuff exclusively, then when you started playing mafia it seemed to me like you were using a lot of words to still say very little
Well I kind of assume if you knew I was scum you'd try and push me or ask for votes. Instead you started wagoning a random lowposter.

Also what's with the condescension? You've been avoiding any sort of prolonged interaction with me but keep trying to posture with this snarky jabs. Enjoy being lynched.
I pushed you. I voted you. And I'm speaking to you with exactly the condescension and dismissiveness that you've been handing out to me all freaking afternoon. Irritating, isn't it?
Really not a preferred candidate for me. They literally tried to draw attention to the fact that nobody was paying attention to them. That's an unusual play for a wolf to make.
If you want another reason, he just had a super role madness game where he lived to the end i think (as town?), had only 40 posts the entire game, game had 6800. He is already at 31 today. This is abnormal extreme activity lol
I mean your post just now about bitchslapping Ultra and dropping the mic is just peak clown world. You're using your own definition of LHF nobody agrees with and somehow expect people to understand wtf you're on about. Far as I can tell you're off somewhere in LaLaLand, but the confidence you're showing makes me think there's a good chance you're still town so here's hoping you come back down to earth eventually


When were you under the impression this game is..
If you want another reason, he just had a super role madness game where he lived to the end i think (as town?), had only 40 posts the entire game, game had 6800. He is already at 31 today. This is abnormal extreme activity lol
He was scum in Ariess game lol.
I mean your post just now about bitchslapping Ultra and dropping the mic is just peak clown world. You're using your own definition of LHF nobody agrees with and somehow expect people to understand wtf you're on about. Far as I can tell you're off somewhere in LaLaLand, but the confidence you're showing makes me think there's a good chance you're still town so here's hoping you come back down to earth eventually
Whats the definition everyone else is using?
See i don't believe its necessarily scummy behavior i think you are grasping at something that is extremely simplistic and easy and calling it scum. You are not even trying.

I think she can be town and do every one of those things. Which is why you are grasping at LHF by my definition

Pushing flower for her initial posts, yup definitely can see Sundae doing it as town in this game

Pushing the copy/paste, yup can see her tunneling that for far too long as town

Tunneling flower even more despite the confusion being cleared up, yeah that can definitely be town Sundae.
Like this post right here seems towny to me, but I still think Ultras points against Butter had merit
Last game you were fairly aggressive early on and you had this air about you that you're the one asking the questions and making the decisions

This game you spent the first half of d1 commenting on fluff/useless stuff exclusively, then when you started playing mafia it seemed to me like you were using a lot of words to still say very little
I never make the decisions...tough look for you here. Your characterization feels off as well. So your basing it on amount of fluff and timing of seriousness? That can vary for many different reasons lol
I mean your post just now about bitchslapping Ultra and dropping the mic is just peak clown world. You're using your own definition of LHF nobody agrees with and somehow expect people to understand wtf you're on about. Far as I can tell you're off somewhere in LaLaLand, but the confidence you're showing makes me think there's a good chance you're still town so here's hoping you come back down to earth eventually
He could be confident as a result of TMI if Butter is town and he's trying to pocket her tbf
Whats the definition everyone else is using?
I'd say LHF are people who are universally known to be mislynch bait, mostly because they're weak/exploitable players or inactives

Flower isn't inactive, nor is she difficult to read. If she's town, more than half of the players in any given game will find her and render her unlynchable, provided the players have played with her before which is absolutely the case here

Butter has 20 years of experience on her back and thus oughta be able to defend against uninspired pushes from people who view her as LHF. Again, not someone I'd classify as LHF, though I'll give you that perhaps being new to this community might make it hard for people to trust her

Imo classic LHF are people like Alexis. Posts nothing of value 99% of the time, never gets killed because of it and eventually gets POEd without fail. He's the kind of mislynch scum will absolutely wanna score down the line. Other examples from OLF would be Sky who makes sus posts as either alignment and usually finds herself hanging for it before long, or Alco who tends to forget he's in a game or doesn't have time to play and usually needs to be solved via half-blind lynch
Have you considered she's pulling it out of her ass
Absolutely, she could be scum, I also saw many of the things you pointed out later. Part of why I asked you your thoughts about her to begin with. Feels more genuine though given the claim and lack of defense/votes elsewhere right now
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