Speculations No one gave Luffy food, case he created it by himself

So so so, we saw how Saturn was concerned about Luffy who got a lot of food from nowhere. Some people believe that it was Kizaru or Caribue who gave Luffy food, but I disagree.

Saturn said that Boneys power related to reality and becames weaker when she got older, case truth of this world became more real for her, so her power of doing impossible only became weaker.

Boney fruit is similar to real Nika's fruit power, case it's biggest power to make impossible things threw imagination.

Luffy is uncaoutiousness so he basically is in the state of dream and he is crying for food. So I believe he is dreaming about eating food right now and Nika's power created food threw the power of imagination.

And yes, in the end Nika's power will be broken.
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I think it was implied it’s kizaru cause directly in the next scene he was shown laying behind a rock after being immobile previously

Him thinking about Bonney and sentomaru also clearly shows (to me at least) that his time spent with them was meaningful
I highly doubt Luffy can create food out of nowhere, the shades that one time were different because it seems like he took part of his hair and turned them into shades.

Also Luffy was in Gear 5th during that time, Luffy right now is not in Gear 5th, if he was still in Gear 5th then ok maybe but he isn't.

It's obvious that someone secretly gave food to him.