General & Others Oda baiting for 25 years.

One piece should have ended in under 150 chapters then we would have gotten what he actually had in his mind when he created the series..... It's obvious now everything is just him trying to add random stuff... He looks up something from real world gives references or straight up copies them and tries to use it as story which is non of existent... Pretty sure his original story is already changed and pretty sure someone already theorized on what the end game would be and he had to change the story.. This keeps happening... And he keeps looking at fan theories and discussions and probably uses it into making his story different.... But in doing say he is left with shitty paths to choose and he chose them.. :kayneshrug:
He is fine but he needs to take less breaks and get a faster pacing in the final parts of the arcs. And reveal something more.
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He is fine but he needs to take less breaks and get a faster pacing in the final parts of the arcs. And reveal something more.