Le Fishe Thread Oda hates the Strawhats

Well yeah, what I said was exaggerated. Of course there are still a lot of people who will care or enjoy the other SHs. My point is that the big action will still carry the momentum for interest. Try and get Chopper doing doctor things for 3 chapters straight and watch how dead the forums will be. Even the youtube community will have pretty much nothing to talk about. Big fights from major characters or lore and mystery getting unraveled are the most highly rated chapters.
Lore and mystery getting revealed are the lowest rated chapters look at vegapunks message it made everyone drop egghead a score


This forum is retarded.
Lore and mystery getting revealed are the lowest rated chapters look at vegapunks message it made everyone drop egghead a score
that is what I find sad about it. we waited like 800+ chapters just to meet Vegapunk, then Stellar gets killed after 40 chapters and people are disappointed by Oda giving us just a bit more time with Stellar. It is clear that Oda is not easily letting go of Vegapunk after so much buildup and hype. People nowadays want quick battle junkfood and that's it. It's like smartphones and social media eating away on the people's attention span. Sad but reality.