General & Others Oden was a shit leader and deserved to die



Oden never wanted to be shogun or was never really peoples man. He ruled kuri because his dad thought he was not worth of being his son.

To be fair oden deep down was a flawed guy and did what he thought was good. Ya if he had worked out on revolution with other damiyos maybe that would work.

Maybe this was the flaw orochi has in oden and played him well. I d say event best of the best got hoodwinked into biding by cunning rulers.
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I had to call you out. Shout out to you all

My man full point i ll upvote you. I avs loved the flashback of oden. He did what he thought was best avaliable option.

Oden believed people because he was nice guy. Why oden didnt do revolution or go civil war is not really answer?

Kaido has already said oden changed a lot . If it was oden of 20 years ago he would go full on nuke . I think travelling around the world and he witnessed sadness and evil around the world kind of changed him.

People should look into those things. The adventure with whitebeard and roger was hallmark in oden s life . Thispeoplekeep forgetting why oden didnt do anything for 5 years.
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This was a dick move. I don't agree with the sentiment that Oden deserved to die. But to disparage this site on another site and then calling this site cancerous was a totally disappointing action from your end.
I'm just so done with this Oden slander. When the flashback started, people hating on him because he's too perfect and can't do anything wrong, but now he's making bad decisions, people are shitting on him.

I have no regret in doing it. But it's okay to be disappointed. It's expected, I am not a perfect person by all means


I'm just so done with this Oden slander. When the flashback started, people hating on him because he's too perfect and can't do anything wrong, but now he's making bad decisions, people are shitting on him.

I have no regret in doing it. But it's okay to be disappointed. It's expected, I am not a perfect person by all means
I d say agree to disagree but we have to agree oda presented him in that way. Even civilians hated oden to the point they felt he deserved to die.

The hallmark is oda s great writing skill is when wano started people believed oden was legendary human or almost god but as his backstory comes up and people seem to not believe great man like oden can dance nude or played by evil fodder like orochi.

Oda potrayed him as a contraversial figure who became a legend in the last one hour before he got boiled. I like how oda made readers to get triggered reaction i absolutely love reading this reaction.

If oda ever read the comment he would be amused and proud he could get readers debate about him. Thats what he wanted as a writer present oden as a scandalous guy who became a flag bearer to open wano borders.

Something will happen in that last hour which will make wano people cry for odens life.

MD Zolo

I d say agree to disagree but we have to agree oda presented him in that way. Even civilians hated oden to the point they felt he deserved to die.

The hallmark is oda s great writing skill is when wano started people believed oden was legendary human or almost god but as his backstory comes up and people seem to not believe great man like oden can dance nude or played by evil fodder like orochi.

Oda potrayed him as a contraversial figure who became a legend in the last one hour before he got boiled. I like how oda made readers to get triggered reaction i absolutely love reading this reaction.

If oda ever read the comment he would be amused and proud he could get readers debate about him. Thats what he wanted as a writer present oden as a scandalous guy who became a flag bearer to open wano borders.

Something will happen in that last hour which will make wano people cry for odens life.
Honestly it was the massive 5 year gap which made it seem like this. I don't think it was intentional, but Oda had no way of eating up 5 years.


Honestly it was the massive 5 year gap which made it seem like this. I don't think it was intentional, but Oda had no way of eating up 5 years.
Lets see i think many didnt like skipping 5 year events. Like i said those years made public lose hope in him the chapter kinda relates with reader. So oden just danced naked all those 5 years ?

The entire time enemy were secretly increasing their force and kaido recruited king around same time from impel down.(looking from chapter 0 magellan was reporting to a senior when shiki escaped kinda hint king was still ruling in impel down).

We might actually see in kaidos flashback what they did in those 5 years. Oda still has to show how kaido arrived in wano yet ? The tale has not ended yet we saw life of oden so oda limited the appearance and event with him.

This tricky answer oda has to answer sooner or later i trust him he rarely leaves stuff out.
Luffy put it brilliantly to Vivi during Alabasta in this one page.

It was clear as day Orochi and Kaido weren't going anywhere without a fight. Oden taking inaction just to prevent the deaths of just a few people wasn't gonna solve anything. As would-be Shogun of the country, his responsibility is to everyone in it, not whatever suits his morality. I wouldn't be disappointed if this were the angle Oda took with him, as it was with Vivi, but he's being painted as the sole martyr in this whole fiasco.

Shinobu's little rant at the end of the chapter left a bad taste in me. The people of Wano have every right to lose faith in Oden. He failed to inspire security and trust to them. He left them to continue his selfish desires, he comes back not doing anything. Meanwhile, people all around the country died in the mines or just the general state of the country going to waste. And we're suppose to feel bad for the guy who had the means to end it before got worse? All predicated on the idea Orochi and Kaido would live up to their side of the bargain, and let him live with a clear conscious.
Lmao if Oden was in this situation, he may have danced naked in the streets for Helmeppo

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Oden sacrificed himself and gave everything he had to save Wano and its people.

Retarded people: Yeah. He's shit and horrible character.

What Orochi did? He killed and terrorized innocent people of Wano.

Retarded people: Orochi is great. He's smart and good character.

Are we meant to like a character just cause they're a good person ?

I base whether I like a character depending on how competent they are. Its not like its real life. Its just fiction. We can like the villains if we want.
The point Oda tries to make is nothing amazing. We get it, Oden was a badass but at the same time a huge retard. Calling him a bad leader is not wrong at all based on his decisions for Wano and his people.

Now for calling him a legendary OP character? Just naw. I understand, the idea of him ACTUALLY being indeed a foolish lord whoms decisions will be ironic 20 years later is an attempt to elevate his character, but thats simply nothing i felt when i read his scenes in this flashback in particular. I don't look at Oden being boiled and feel bad for him, he got himself into that situation by his own mistakes and at some point the exaggeration of his stupidity becomes tiring to read.

We get it, he is foolish, but at what point is it too much for me to accept it considering how perfect he was presented at the beginning? There is absolutely no balance, it's way too bipolar and Oda failed at creating a somewhat of a middle ground where him being a fool and this grand figure can go hand in hand
The point Oda tries to make is nothing amazing. We get it, Oden was a badass but at the same time a huge retard. Calling him a bad leader is not wrong at all based on his decisions for Wano and his people.

Now for calling him a legendary OP character? Just naw. I understand, the idea of him ACTUALLY being indeed a foolish lord whoms decisions will be ironic 20 years later is an attempt to elevate his character, but thats simply nothing i felt when i read his scenes in this flashback in particular. I don't look at Oden being boiled and feel bad for him, he got himself into that situation by his own mistakes and at some point the exaggeration of his stupidity becomes tiring to read.

We get it, he is foolish, but at what point is it too much for me to accept it considering how perfect he was presented at the beginning? There is absolutely no balance, it's way too bipolar and Oda failed at creating a somewhat of a middle ground where him being a fool and this grand figure can go hand in hand
I really hope that there is some bigger meaning to him being a fool of a lord and Oda doesn't try to portray Oden like he was a hero or anything.

Like I want Kinemon to acknowledge that while Oden was a great man, he was also a dumbass and that none of this would have happened if he just asked Rayleigh and Whitebeard to help him out and killed Kaido and orochi when he had the chance.


I really hope that there is some bigger meaning to him being a fool of a lord and Oda doesn't try to portray Oden like he was a hero or anything.

Like I want Kinemon to acknowledge that while Oden was a great man, he was also a dumbass and that none of this would have happened if he just asked Rayleigh and Whitebeard to help him out and killed Kaido and orochi when he had the chance.
He did , he called him mean stuff when oden came back.

Question is how oden doesnt know how to navigate or ship building . We got that from beginning of the arc.
I really hope that there is some bigger meaning to him being a fool of a lord and Oda doesn't try to portray Oden like he was a hero or anything.

Like I want Kinemon to acknowledge that while Oden was a great man, he was also a dumbass and that none of this would have happened if he just asked Rayleigh and Whitebeard to help him out and killed Kaido and orochi when he had the chance.
I could see a scenario where Momonosukes purpose played a big role in the whole timeline of Oden & Wano and why he did some of the things he did. That might be a saving grace for some of his decisions, but at the same time some still would not make any sense, like still attacking the castle and then despite Orochi almost killing his wife that Oden would make a deal with the murderer of his Father. Im gonna wait out on some things and then fully re-read this section, but as of now the balance to his foolishness and legend is too black and white for my taste
I could see a scenario where Momonosukes purpose played a big role in the whole timeline of Oden & Wano and why he did some of the things he did. That might be a saving grace for some of his decisions, but at the same time some still would not make any sense, like still attacking the castle and then despite Orochi almost killing his wife that Oden would make a deal with the murderer of his Father. Im gonna wait out on some things and then fully re-read this section, but as of now the balance to his foolishness and legend is too black and white for my taste
I hope Oda can save it

because Oda has hyped this arc up and this flashback up too much for him to have ruined it. This was supposed to be one of the big moments of the arc and him fucking it up would really show his decline as an author imo.
Yes. It's infuriating how the narrative is trying to glorify Oden, when he deserved everything that happened to him and some more. "He took everything on him" my ass. He took it on Wano. Oda can spend 10 chapters cooking Oden and begging sympathy for him, but it's gonna be the only oden that I would throw in trash bin immediately afterwards.

It was hard being stuck between a ruthless enemy and an irresponsible retard leader for Wano people.


Blame Oda for forcing this plot

The 5 year gap was a huge mistake
5 years plot was used to build kaidos battalion. After that orochi and kaido made move to kuri provoking oden to fight against them.

Its simple as that why oden didnt do anything is part narrative because he didnt want bloodshed or civil war. He even got a point oden planned to kill kaido in his sleep .
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Yes. It's infuriating how the narrative is trying to glorify Oden, when he deserved everything that happened to him and some more. "He took everything on him" my ass. He took it on Wano. Oda can spend 10 chapters cooking Oden and begging sympathy for him, but it's gonna be the only oden that I would throw in trash bin immediately afterwards.

It was hard being stuck between a ruthless enemy and an irresponsible retard leader for Wano people.
Well oda didnt. Have you read the chapter no one sympathised his death. Odens action were polarising that is just him he was never a perfect person .

MD Zolo

You guys are missing one thing. 'Deserves to die' is something we reserve for the worst of criminals (even then, death penalty is no longer a punishment in most advanced nations).

Oden wasn't a very good strategist. But he definitely didn't deserve to boil. And he did what he thought was the correct approach to solving the problem. He can't be faulted for that.

Finally, let us remember that violence against the Kurozumi clan started this whole mess. If Oden attempted to resolve the problem without violence, he can't be called a shit for that, naive may be, but not shit.


5 years plot was used to build kaidos battalion. After that orochi and kaido made move to kuri provoking oden to fight against them.

Its simple as that why oden didnt do anything is part narrative because he didnt want bloodshed or civil war. He even got a point oden planned to kill kaido in his sleep .
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Well oda didnt. Have you read the chapter no one sympathised his death. Odens action were polarising that is just him he was never a perfect person .

You realise this is why this plot is a mistake right?
If Oda never had Kaido un wano 26 years ago
If he made Kaido invade wano 20 years ago only.

We wouldn't have this mess of naive Oden and different Kaido