Current Events Official Translation: It’s Zorover

@EmperorKinyagi treat are funny imo,
If G5 can fodderize Zoro then either Luffy should have used G2/G3 to beat awakening Lucci or awakening should be beating 2 swords Zoro. But that didn't happen so Luffy can't.

No, Jinbe is there to witness Zoro's strength. Just like what happened with Monet and Tashigi.

Tashigi purpose was to witness Zoro's strength.
Now that you say it jimbei doesnt know how strong zoro is, probably think he is the classic top right hand (murst be familiar with kata and marco) level when he is in fact way stronger even before acoc, so there is reason to be shock when zoro beat another marco equivalent this arc with ease.
The thing I dislike the most is people being blatantly dishonest. Manga fact is manga fact, don't misrepresent things. You can give your interpretations of certain events to make sense of things but don't confuse your head canon for facts.
I guess Zoro being the strongest character in op verse is manga facts 🤣
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@EmperorKinyagi treat are funny imo,
Now that you say it jimbei doesnt know how strong zoro is, probably think he is the classic top right hand (murst be familiar with kata and marco) level when he is in fact way stronger even before acoc, so there is reason to be shock when zoro beat another marco equivalent this arc with ease.
Why the fuck does this femboy bitch get to voice his opinions and I don't, cuz the mods are on my ass