General & Others Old yonko vs new yonko



Mini theory
What if we see 3 newest emperors facing off with 3 of the og ones?
  1. Luffy vs big mom
  2. Blackbeard vs kaido
  3. Shanks vs buggy
Personally I don’t think that either big mom or kaido are really dead and done with. Them eventually returning stronger than ever could lead to cool moments imo. Kaido having a full awakening and big mom somehow being in her physical prime
As for shanks vs buggy I just think they’ll team up

As for why/how
  1. Luffy vs big mom
    • She has tons of ties to elbaf
    • Luffy said he’ll beat her after kaido multiple times
    • Can potentially tie in with with fmi and shirahoshi aka Poseidon
    • It’ll be a really fun fight
    • For better or worse big mom will likely get some type of happy ending
  2. Blackbeard vs kaido
    • If he goes to wano to steal pluton kaido might be there
    • It’ll be an extremely hype moment for bb to prove he’s worthy and capable of surpassing him
    • Blackbeard doesn’t have a zoan…
      • Tho personally I don’t want him to eat the seiryu fruit. Lowkey him getting the orochi fruit would be a lot more fitting and cool
  3. Shanks vs buggy
    • I just think they’ll eventually team up and work together. It probably happening 1 of 2 ways
      • Shanks saves them and they team up
        • If the world government sends a force comparable to the one send to egghead they’ll need it
      • Shanks challenges them to a Davy back fight and they win forcing an alliance
    • Side topic but if luffy has Poseidon and Blackbeard pluton maybe they should get Uranus
      • If it ends up being the weapon roger had even better
Yeah sure because Kaido and Meme were such a success to the story and Oda has a secret plan to waste 2-3 more years on them.
Og yonkou white beard shanks big mom and kaidou were a stern cut above the rest. Wb and kaidou were already confirmed as the world strongest but honestly big mom was no less and arguably even stronger. I mean literally if not for pis they could have destroyed the world.

The new yonkou minus buggy have aways to go before being that serious.
Obviously if it's Buggy, or Prime Whitebeard, it's a wrap. Whitebeard is above Emperor level and Buggy is fodder.

If we do the fairest comparison possible, we're putting Gear 5th Luffy, Mihawk and Blackbeard against Kaido, Healthy Old Whitebeard and Big Mom, all six of whom are in the same tier.

Any duo of the new Emperors is beating Kaido and Big Mom imo, Luffy or Mihawk can beat Kaido and Blackbeard can beat Big Mom. So the only issue is Healthy Oldbeard. Without his illness, Whitebeard can potentially turn the tides depending on how high you scale him. vshare
To be safe, I would give it to the new Yonko, but I think it could go either way.
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