Who will Kaido fight?

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Yeah the master plan that Oda and Luffy has come up with....is Zoro.
Guess who in this chapter said that we need another plan
the plan is to remove one of them from the battle. Did you read the full summary? Zoro says we should think of another way then law suggests the plan to get one of them away from the battle.

Itโ€™s like you guys have selective reading
The thing that hyo used was haki that has been confirmed

The hyo used was BOAT

again if he had AcoA was Aokiji too drunk to notice it.

Hyo goes from explaining haki ti explaining breath of all things he says "a good katana will cut steel when u want it to" reflects to what zoro said, that his sword understands his will hence he could increase his potential of cutting by being 1 with his sword, in Hyo's context it can be taken as with AcoA and Breath of all things you can increase you cutting limit exponentially, which is why he then goes on to say that i have been the wielder of a legendary blade and isn't sure if he can pass over that limit breaking technique over to luffy.. soo AcoA is whole different thing.. its just a boost to the sword over the skills (breath of all things) of a swordsman
For some context from the previous post, in Kaidos last dialogue, he states,
"your "eyes" are always alive!!"
In japanese that would be something like
This is a common phrase used and the better nuanced translation would be that his spirit has not died yet.
As "eyes" symbolize the will/spirit of a person in japanese.

Luffy willpower is so strong...:steef::finally:
pirate king will power....
yeah I think he implied will power
which is kinda what he said even when he knocked him out
in the first clash.
I know if it happens there'd be a valid explanation for it. It just seems to be farfetched at the moment because she's suppose to be one of the most durable characters in the series. Cutting off oxygen to her brain is one thing, but when you have characters like Chinjao getting hit so hard on their head it completely reshapes it, by a physical beast like Garp and he doesn't get Amnesia, then we're going to need a very good explanation if a physical blow gives Big Mom amnesia, Lol.
Zunisha :kayneshrug:
I don't think she gets amnesia again
Maybe a hunger pang or she starts fighting Zunisha to let the others focus on Kaido
the plan is to remove one of them from the battle. Did you read the full summary? Zoro says we should think of another way then law suggests the plan to get one of them away from the battle.

Itโ€™s like you guys have selective reading
No Luffy's consecutive attacks didn't affect Kaidou, then Zoro said we should have another plan. He clearly means we have to fight new ways to attack Kaidou instead of just recklessly attacking him.
Very interesting chapter. Orochi and Kanjuro being alive was expected. But what I find even more interesting is that Kanjuro is going after Momo and the Scabbards while Orochi and Fukorokujo are going against Kaido . So really want to see how this plays out.

Second I cant wait for Yamato to join the roof fight. If Oda splits the Yonko it has to be Luffy, Zoro, Yamato vs Kaido. I mean I cant wait for that fight.


Talent is something you make bloom.
Someone asked what were the chances of we getting the full summary yesterday still.

I said the same chances as Sanji going to the roof.

Yesterday at 10:53 A.M >>>>time of the last post before the full summary.

Yesterday at 11:13 P.M >>>>time the full summary dropped.

Well, shit.
Guess I gotta be a "Sanji goes to the roof" believer now. God damn it. :lulz:
Freaking time zones.
Very interesting chapter. Orochi and Kanjuro being alive was expected. But what I find even more interesting is that Kanjuro is going after Momo and the Scabbards while Orochi and Fukorokujo are going against Kaido . So really want to see how this plays out.

Second I cant wait for Yamato to join the roof fight. If Oda splits the Yonko it has to be Luffy, Zoro, Yamato vs Kaido. I mean I cant wait for that fight.
It would be law zoro and luffy if thatโ€™s the case. Laws not fighting big mom heโ€™s fighting kaido. Thatโ€™s only if the zoro luffy vs kaido theory comes true law would also be there
No the plan is to literally get one away from the battle first. Then itโ€™s to attack. Thatโ€™s the plan.
Luffy wants to keep attacking, saying his attacks must work eventually because Kaidou is a human just like them. Zoro warns him that they should think of another way.
:seriously: Luffy was getting free hits on Kaidou yet nothing works. Of fucking course Zoro is gonna suggest they find another way to hurt Kiaodu. :myman:
Switch beak = better beak basically ARNAMENT

Breath of all thing is using your primary beak and skills to make the most out of it... a bew beak ( ARNAMENT) would make it more efficient thats it

Hyo explained breath of all things to someone who doesn't even use a sword.. and even in the scan translations it blatantly says that that invisible power helps us to cut whatever a swordsman want hence increasing potential to what he can cut with his sword.. just proves my point that breath of all things is the mastery of sword and manifestation of will take it to a new level.
Stop making up shit. Breath of all things and ryou are the same thing . Get over it
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