Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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I think having Kidd fight this arc be BM is a terrible decision

am tired of fights happening just because, it's like Oda is putting some characters together just to keep them busy

the build up was Kidd vs Kaido, anything else is just random and weightless

I still think Kidd will return to fight Kaido, but this chapter has me worried, he's not defeating any of them regardless, at least not here, so it's more appropriate that Kidd stay involved with the main villain of the arc

I also hope Kidd doesn't become Luffy cheerleader like Law, Oda please don't fuck this up
The problem is, Oda hold on to "reveals" a bit too much. Whether it is power level, information, character faces (infamous shadows), etc. We still dont know who was the character that was eavesdropping or following Jinbe and Robin when they arrived at Onigashima.

Samurais fighting each other with swords would have been better as compared to that Sumo match (again what was the purpose of that character; sumo wrestler). A Sumari challenging O-Kiku, just imagine that, a proper sword fight.

There are so many quotable moments, but we, as readers, dont have any way to affect the writing/plots. It is up to the author.
Wano is the perfect example

The Sumo match... that was a waste of multiple chapters
a 14 chapter Oden flashback... waste
Kanjuro spending multiple chapters telling Oden's story again... waste
A chapter about Yasu before he got captured just to have another one about his execution (one of the few good parts of wano)
Udon- at least half of it, including BM amnesia bs

All in all at least 15-20 chapters EASILY could have been cut and made more condense to keep the reader better engaged with the 10 characters

In Wano, Usopp, Robin, Franky lost a lot of panel time


Bald Spoiler Provider
If Oda let Zoro show CoC after getting enma power up
If Oda let luffy learn and unlock Adv CoC after getting ADV Coa power up
Now we know that the Monster Trio Pre-Onigashima war power ups isn't all their getting

Imagine Sanji power up with his flames after getting raid suit power up :steef:


Bald Spoiler Provider
Oda is going two route with Zoro and Sanji

Zoro is being put with yonko/haki

Sanji is being put with admirals/elemental abilities

Yonko have adv CoC to boost and put out strong attacks

Admirals have elemental abilities in place of ADV CoC
Zoro went too easy on Killer, on top of all of the nerfs he had. That says alot since Willer is commander level (anyone in doubt will see it when he fights alongside Kid against nerf Big Mom). Sucks Killer left just before Zoro showed some more of that power but hopefully he's around to witness when Kaido is slain
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