Greatest Hype In this Chapter?

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Are you really that dumb to believe that Luffy will take out Kaido alone?
At this point, with Luffy understanding Kaido's use of conqueror's, using it himself and even putting a match against him in base? It wouldn't be so unexpected for him to take Kaido out alone from now on. Not saying this will indeed happen, but let's not call others dumb based on things none of us now for certain at all.
That traitor of Prometheus wants Linlin to kill Zeus and create a new cloud homie, hence Kid's comment...! So this is probably how Nami will keep Zeus while Big Mom replaces him.
nah i think prometheus absorbed zeus or something like that

in the mythology zeus chained promethues to a mountain for an eagle eat his body at the day and in the night promethues body grows back so maybe it's something similar here but the roles reversed since zeus is the good guy here
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