Who will Knock Out Sanji?

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That's quite a different list compare to what I have.
For me, Maser Cannon is def stronger than BM's ACoC punch, since one was used to take out Page One, one was used to take out Ulti, just better portrayal for Maser Cannon. Also BM confirms it herself that her output is higher with her main Homies, compare to something she does on her own(Like ACoC hits) during her clash with Marco.

Now for the rest, BM's most advanced attack is between Cognac Hahaba/Haha no Hi(same thing, one horizontal one vertical), Maser Cannon, or God of Lightning.
Hahaba and Haha no Hi use both Napoleon and Prometheus, and BM swings it with her monstrous strength, def above something like Ikoku, which is just a Napoleon attack, fitted to use the Elbaf move;
Maser Cannon is fire + lightning, with Napoleon used as a barrel, but BM herself doesn't swing it, this is her top tier elemental attack, stronger than something like Indra or Heavenly Bonbon for sure;
God of Lightning is like Indra, but with a homing feature, due to BM imbuing her Soru Soru power, def more advanced also, though not so high damage, but this is like a "Snake Man" move.

Now for the rest, I think BM's lightning attacks are her strongest, which makes Raite and Fulgora quite high, they have better feats than her fire attacks, they can rival the top 3 likely, since BM also uses her strength with these 2 attacks, making it above Indra.

So my ranking would be:

High level: Cognac Hahaba/Haha no Hi, Maser Cannon, God of Lightning;
Mid level: Raite, Fulgora, ACoC punch? > Ikoku, Heavenly Fire;
Low level: Indra > Heavenly Bonbon.

There are other moves like the spinning body slam used on Queen, the consecutive serious punch used on Capone, which are also quite strong, but hard to rank yet.
People easily recover to Tenman Daijizai Tenjin. Look at Jajji's state after Raite or Page One's state after ACoC punch. Tenman deserves to be placed lower. I don't think Ikoku deserves to be so low btw. A half Hakai should still at least be in the top 3
People easily recover to Tenman Daijizai Tenjin. Look at Jajji's state after Raite or Page One's state after ACoC punch. Tenman deserves to be placed lower. I don't think Ikoku deserves to be so low btw. A half Hakai should still at least be in the top 3
I agree with that God of Lightning doesn't deal very high damage, it's just more advanced in other ways, it can't miss and can't be blocked, sacrificed damage output(compare to attacks of the same tier) for that accuracy and guard-break, it's more like a Snakeman move compare to a Boundman move, they are the same level roughly, but clearly Boundman's power output is higher.
I might lower God of Lightning to Raite or Fulgora level, because like you said, damage is poor, even if we consider Rooftop SN are very strong, but still pretty poor, since BM doesn't combine her strength into it, like Raite and Fugora, it's like trading strength bonus damage with homing feature.

Ikoku though, I can't see it being stronger than Fulgora tbh, even when comparing DC, which is supposedly Ikoku's thing, still not above Fulgora.
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