What’s the spoiler provider hiding from us?

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@sanjikun Every great pirate had a conqueror underling.

Big Mom - Katakuri
Kaido - Doflamingo
Whitebeard - Oden, Ace (who was far from his prime)
Roger - Rayleigh
Shanks - Ben Beckman (presumably)

The calamities are rather grouped with Vergo and Pica.
I will screenshot then for when Zoro and King fight

The moment you back down from this I will remind everyone of these posts
"At the end of the chapter Kaidou appears before Momonosuke and attacks him with his kanabo"
Kaido smoking that Kozuki pack:myman: Hiyori is next, lets fkin gooooooo:emohiyo:
My question is... did his attack land? Or did the chapter end with him just swinging the attack and not yet landing...

if it really landed... that would actually be such a cruel great hype scene to make the fans jump from their seat considering Momo’s age
Bro Chopper is borderline Fodder Stop the CAP! This is just an extended version of Usopp vs Jabra.
Im sure one good attack from Queen would make Chopper Twerk.

I agree, Queen must be chilling while Chopper is doing everything he can

Looks like Oda got tired of Chopper being used to sell cute One Piece products only.
Do you guys know how much impact Chopper holding Queen this entire time has? Supposedly stronger crewmates are fighting Tobiroppo


Ok, i think Queen is just chilling while Chopper is giving everything he has maybe there is someone helping him


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Yea bruh, Jack is clear.
I can't tell if you're agreeing with me?

Well its easy, first of all, its impossible for Zoro vs King to be anything short of extreme diff. You would be smoking to believe Zoro can mid diff king
A healthy Zoro defeats King with at most medium difficulty.

Second, its funny how you guys are pretending like Zoro ALWAYS has some serious Narrative build up to his enemies. Like what exactly built up Zoro vs Pica outside of Luffy just telling zoro to deal with Pica and Pica being Doffy’s strongest man?

and what exactly was the build up for Zoro vs Ohm or Kaku or Hyouzo or Hachi even as well... Zoro isnt the MC... his fights are very straightfoward in their purpose and meaning to the story and to him... The strongest enemy swordsman he finds gets defeated... Done.
The rarity of narrative buildup for Zoro's confrontations is what makes the narrative buildup that exists for Zoro vs Kaido so important.

And the build up around Zoro vs Kaido has reached its narrative peak. kaido says there is no monster swordsman in wano that can scar him, Zoro does that... Done
No, it most emphatically has not:
[*]Several plotlines and character arcs remain unresolved in the story as at the end of Chapter 1010:
  • Zoro has not been giving closure to his character arc involving Kaido.
  • Enma's existence has been pointless.
  • Yasuie's proclamation at his execution is left unvindicated.
  • Kaido has not being given closure to his character arc involving samurai and Oden.

If what you said was true, Kaido would have commented on Zoro being the monster samurai of the likes of Oden, but he did not. Kaido's declaration was that there will never be a monster samurai that can KILL him:

Zoro was never built up to be the one to beat Kaido so everything you think will happen in this supposed Rematch hasnt been built up like you claim it has. Also, ZORO WILL STILL LOSE AGAIN if he fights Kaido again
Zoro has been foreshadowed to be the one to kill Kaido:
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