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Formerly Seth

Again, speak for Yourself.
I dont agree at ALL.
WsW IS showing to be Very powerfull. And has interesting lore behind him, and was even excited to fight a calamitie with no worries.
WIth no worries:

Asks Queen for help to take out Drake who is not even close to Commander level.


His lore is most forced bullshit ever.

Look I was CP9 like Lucci! I protected Gomu Gomu fruit! I got robbed by Shanks boys!

This is hella force friend.
One Piece rides off the hype of the pre time skip era where writing was still good.

I don't care that One Piece has 400+ millions sold.

Currently One Piece is bested by Jujutsu, Tokyo Revengers and earlier by Kimetsu.
they are being carried by good animation. especially kimetsu that literally has nothing to write home about when it comes to story telling

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
- Chapter 1,018 : "Jinbe Vs. Who's Who".
- Tama becomes the target of Kaidou's subordinates.
- The Gifters and Shinuchi will be in charge of protecting her.
- Tama and Nami go on Speed's back (Usopp goes behind asking to be allowed to climb).
- Nami tells Zeus that they are now "companions".
- Zeus is very happy.
- CP-0 analyzes the battle after the last change.
- CP-0 also mention Who's Who.

This chunk of the chapter doesn't advance the story at all nor does it bring us any new reveal

- The rest of the chapter is Jinbe vs. Who's Who.
- Who's Who blames Shanks for stealing the Gomu Gomu no Mi.

- In addition to having eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi, Who's Who is angry with Luffy for wearing Shanks's (Straw Hats) hat.
- Who's Who heard the story of the legendary warrior "Sun God" from a guard, he was related to slaves.
- Thanks to that story, Who's Who was able to survive in prison (in the image we see the silhouette of the warrior).
- The guard who told Who's Who the story disappeared, so Who's Who decided to escape from prison in case he they did something.
- As captain of the Taiyou (Sun) Pirates, Who's Who asks Jinbe if he knows anything about this story, being a pirate gang of ex-slaves.
- At the end Jinbe uses a new attack against Who's Who.

And this part is basically convo cut short and Jimbei using new attack to seal the deal

Formerly Seth

they are being carried by good animation. especially kimetsu that literally has nothing to write home about when it comes to story telling
YEah I agree about Kimetsu writing.

Although Jujutsu Kaisen story >>>>>>>> anything Oda wrote post time skip. If you deny that you are blinded by your former love for one piece.

This manga is a letdown post time skip.

Tokyo revengers plot is also fucking amazin.


Oh well. All I can hope now is that Jinbei has some good panels and the new attack is dope. Because the last of the chapter has nothing for me.

Just one shot him Jinbei, be done with this fool.
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