Apereantly forcing DNA modifications on unborn children is ok, because hey! He stil has his emotions

Judge saw Sanji as failure not just because he had emotions, but because he was weaker than his brothers as a kid. And even at WCI he stil said he is a failure because he didn't had the abilities his siblings had. Now he is gonna get them - he is not different from Reiju then lol
If i read the story, you know what idea it gives me? As long as you have emotions and you are a kind person, it's okay if you get stronger thru moraly wrong ways, like changing humans DNA, taking drugs etc. to achive your goal. You think that is good writing?
Sanji showing that he is better than his family and proof everything that Judge did was wrong, he need to stay
human. To show that you can achive everything without cheating, taking drugs and what not.
Just because Sanji has emotions that doesn't make it ok that Judge modified his unborn children, like wtf?! Reiju stil has emotions, but she is modified. How is Sanji different from her then? Because he is MORE kind than her? lol