What will happen till end of Wano?

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All of this development for Zoro means one thing. Zoro it's getting close to having his in battle growth. Which will lead to him gaining the power to kill Kaido.
is that one he struggle to one-shot YCs as you guys try to put? King is fine after the attack and you think Luffy and Momo are not going to hurt Kaido? Only Zoro? :suresure:.

Head Piece been debunked again on Zoro talking fighting YCs, not Kaido. Don't do this again here :kayneshrug:.


Talent is something you make bloom.
"But fire and invisibility makes no sense".
Time to show you all what inspired Oda to write Sanji.

Meet "Luís Vaz de Camões". A Portuguese poet.
Here's the beginning of one of his most famous poems:
"Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver".
A rough english translation would be: "Love is fire that burns without being seen".
Love>>>> Sanji wants to love all the ladies.
Fire>>>> Diable Jambe.
Without being seen>>>> Invisibility.

It's clear to me that Oda was inspired by this poem to write Sanji. A poem that tries to explain the concept of love by using opposite concepts.
Much like Sanji, originally created to be a human weapon by his father, ended up a product of the love from his mother.
Some literature lesson for you all.
You're welcome.

You didn't bet in fair manner when we try to do it on poll about toxic members. I am not agreeing to you if your backing out from agreeing to do a bet again.
Ive never made or attempted to bet with you prior to this.... but,

Backing out :cheers:

That's the bet MKK happens ill leave worst gen for 2 months and mods can ban me

MKK doesnt happen you leave worstgen for a month


I always forgot that Zoro was trained by a former Wano master while a child, was given a 21 super sword since the beginning, and is likely a Shimotsuki

What a normal guy

I always forget that Zoro didn't get those things for free just from existing, in fact he went after the Dojo, challenged the dude and his students with no actual knowledge of swordsmanship, got a reputation after being able to defeat everyone (even adults), with the exception of the master and the best student, and was able to earn his place as a student that way.

Won his sword by becoming Kuina's rival and asking for it to her father to complete her dream.

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