What will happen till end of Wano?

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youve proved nothing LMAO
all youve done is irritate other users on WG and get slapped around while they debunk your headcanons.
gtfoh trash tier troll.
Lmao you 3 same dudes who keep talking crap while presenting nothing?

I've been providing scans. I've been proving my points.

You can't say I'm lying cause I'll literally go back and quote those moments and tag you. I literally just proved you wrong about sanji being damaged heavily before fighting jabra. I pulled up the scans. Keep crying
you did jack shit LOL.
my question for that post still stands - did oda personally tell you that he was at 50%?
Nah but it's directly inferred from how damaged sanji Is and the context.

I'm sorry I forgot I'm dealing with a tard who can't comprehend context nor can he follow a train of thought for 5 mins let alone an entire arc.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
Yoru is the strongest. Mihawk said his is the strongest sword.
I suppose I should just take Mihawk's word as gospel when his supposedly "strong" black blade couldn't even break a hakiless Wado; a sword one level below the likes of Yoru and Ace:pepeke:
Wasn't he the same man who also said he was gna kill Luffy and yet here he is about to fight Kaido:tchpepe: The man is a bonifide capper.
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