He fainted from his TB? When where? Gimme panels. I know you can't because you're consuming Copium.
Oh i can
Woro wasn't paying attention and got himself stabbed. It went through his shoulder,
Oh no...poor Zoro got stabbed in a fight and fainted...
How does that justify that? Lmao
Pre-TS Sanji got stabbed with a sword thru his shoulder and was fine, Post-TS Zoro gets stabbed and faints.
meanwhile Wanji faints just by looking at mermaids and almost dies from it. Big difference if you ask me.

It is a big difference, one faints in fights one for gags
Plus he fainted shortly after facing Wueen and Wing.
Did he? How about showing me a panel? Oh you can't, because Sanji didn't faint
What irony, you said i can't show a panel of Zoro fainting to TB and i am taking copium, now look at that! I posted 2 panel, there are actualy more where Sanji catches him and Zoro is laying on his shoulder like a bag of trash - then you say Sanji fainted which didn't happen. Mus't be because you take copium lmao
Zoro fans are just sad.
One second? Since when can someone have a full blown conversation while tanking the attack and the other reacting to this? Get your headcannon right bro.
I didn't know Manga statements were my headcanon, damn
It's a fucking manga, that is a common thing. People dodge an attack and can say multiple sentences at the exact same moment, you think they are frozen in the dodging position for 5 seconds or what? It's the same manga where people can have a normal loud conversation while being in a war zone and multiple kilometer away from each other.