Is TACy a she or a he?

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Cap. Show me where in the manga does it say what you stated about ashura

And also cap on the fresh or damaged part.

Arlong destroys your argument. Since he stated that if Zoro were not previously injured by a scar that none of his men had placed on him (Zoro still injured from mihawks slash) that he would............ Arlong then looks at Zoro scared shitless. Why? Because damage affects your bodies ability to produce max results
I didnt say he is the same injured and healthy, i said that if you have the power to pull of an attack it will have the same AP as if you did if you were frash, its not like because he was damaged he didnt use haki on the attack.
Against yamato he was coughing blood too, he never screamed against zoro and even if he did he did the same against the scabberds which is not impressive, only thing he was surprised by COC and said you did enough, it will leave a scar and was standing like he didn't even get hit.
Again its your choice to think that scar is more impressive when zoro is the only one who can one ! Luffy and yamato base coc attacks made kaido cough blood and kneel in pain but you say their attack are shit because they cant make scars, its fucking retarded dude.
He did scream upon receiving the attack.

So what you are saying is yamatos attack was only scabbard level since the scabbards also made kaido bleed but unlike Zoro were not able to give kaido a permanent scar? Ok gat you
Bullshit. Again Yamato is not yielding results. I rather scar someone permanently in a few seconds than to waste hours fighting someone with no results
That scar did not do batshit to kaido LOL. Of course you’re gonna give a scar, you use a sword. Yamato and luffy uses blunt attacks. Kaido did not scar luffy, does that mean he did not damage him?? Stupid logic
Bullshit. Again Yamato is not yielding results. I rather scar someone permanently in a few seconds than to waste hours fighting someone with no results
I seriously don't get these people. They get hyped because she has a trail of CoC around her club when she literally did almost nothing with it.

"It's because she doesn't have aCoA" -> Zoro didn't and he SCARRED Kaido

"It's because she can't land a hit" -> Lands a hit barely does anything

What are the excuses for her dog shit damage? Scabbards unequivocally did more damage. Let's call her Top Tier because Oda drew some sparks around her club though.
I didnt say he is the same injured and healthy, i said that if you have the power to pull of an attack it will have the same AP as if you did if you were frash, its not like because he was damaged he didnt use haki on the attack.
How the hell would you have the same AP when your body isn't physically in peak condition because it was injured? Again this was already stated in the arlong arc. Zoros attacks were weaker because he was previously damaged by mihawk hence arlong wanting to kill Zoro right then in their because he realized that if Zoro wasn't weakened he would be finished lol
Zoro never said he used everything he had though and I already told you that in my last response, I also never said Zoro's attack power was weakened because he was injured. It was because Zoro was so injured that he used conquerors in his attack. Remember haki blooms in extreme situations. None of what you said acknowledges my argument.

Also doesn't matter is a great rebuttal lmao, really sells all your non existent points.
I saw that you typed that, but he literally says that you just gotta go and reread im not gonne argue about that, i know that ashura as one attack is more impressive and deals more damage then yamato attack, BUT yamato is doing all this while taking hits in a 1v1 and dodging while zoro got help from the other SN.
Zoro is stronger. Sanji is no competition to her.
and also. Stop talking about her as if she was in the crew already its cringe.
Regardless of whether she joins or not, the comparison still stands (with the one piece crew member leak and all the stuff Yamato says about going to sea, daddy forcing her to become shogun so obviously she won’t do it and momo in the latest chapter confirming wanting to be shogun again, probably looking like Oden…it’s hard to see how she won’t join). But ok, wanna bet on it? I’d say Yamato joins the straw hats 100%. After all, Oden joined the pirate king’s crew.


The Rogue Prince
You are juat biased to think that, zoro using asura is dependable if he is injured or no, if he was able to then its the same AP then if he used it fresh.
Man is a swordsman lmao. Whether his bones are intact or broken absolutely matters with each of his attacks LOL. Even a child will understand that but okay go on and keep embarassing yourself.
That scar did not do batshit to kaido LOL. Of course you’re gonna give a scar, you use a sword. Yamato and luffy uses blunt attacks. Kaido did not scar luffy, does that mean he did not damage him?? Stupid logic
Retard is kaido complaining about their blunt attacks? No. Is he complaining about taking damage internally? No. Therefore those two aren't yielding results fighting kaido right? Exactly. Think before writing next time

Formerly Seth

The comparison still stands whether she joins or not (at this p

Regardless of whether she joins or not, the comparison still stands (with the one piece crew member leak and all the stuff Yamato says about going to sea, daddy forcing her to become shogun so obviously she won’t do it and momo in the latest chapter confirming wanting to be shogun again, probably looking like Oden…it’s hard to see how she won’t join). But ok, wanna bet on it? I’d say Yamato joins the straw hats 100%. After all, Oden joined the pirate king’s crew.
She is Rebecca of this arc with the difference she gets to fight so feminist right defenders wont pursue Oda for not giving woman a chance.

I can't bet with you.

ALready heave bet on this bro:kobeha: I
I saw that you typed that, but he literally says that you just gotta go and reread im not gonne argue about that, i know that ashura as one attack is more impressive and deals more damage then yamato attack, BUT yamato is doing all this while taking hits in a 1v1 and dodging while zoro got help from the other SN.
You need to re read lol. I'm looking at the VIZ

Zoro says "what I'm about to do is the limit of my ability"

And then after says "that was the best attack I could do"

Zoro does not say what you said.
He did scream upon receiving the attack.

So what you are saying is yamatos attack was only scabbard level since the scabbards also made kaido bleed but unlike Zoro were not able to give kaido a permanent scar? Ok gat you
Its still easier to penetrate scales with a sword then to do it with a fist or kanabo, but yeah you can see that a lot of these attacks arent doing much to kaido.
All I keep hearing people say is “Kidd isn’t doing anything to Big Mom” and yet guess what? She isn’t doing shit to him either lol. If Kidd was so garbage and weak like y’all say, don’t you think Big Mom would’ve taken care of him by now? No, they’ve been fighting for like 20 chapters and she hasn’t been able to put “Useless Mid” down and we’ve seen him tank and even block her attacks with no issue on screen. I wonder how this can be...

He was fighting her even before Law came too lol. Kidd and Law are stalemating a yonko. If Kidd learns how to wear the Color of the Supreme King or gains an awakening that allows him to do good damage, he will easily be a top tier. :myman:
The most defender of Kid is you, brother. I don't know why Oda doesn't show the fight with Big Mom seems to be the only one that interests him is Kaido's
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