Is TACy a she or a he?

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Bald Spoiler Provider
i know people cling to every word in this board so i want to point that the summary is inaccurate. kaido only mentions oni on the second instance. the part he says yamato is the child of a oni is true but not the part he says yamato has oni blood.

first instance.お前はカイドウの息子って血筋からは逃げられねェんだぜ!? お前が勝手に何を背負おうともここに来た侍達の誰がお前を同志だと思ってる!!? he only say yamato has the bloodline of kaido son

second instance.友情は上っ面!! みんながお前を恐れる!!人は力で支配しろ!!お前は鬼の子だ!!人間と仲良くはなれねェ!!それがお前の運命だヤマト!! bold part says you are the child of a oni.
Now is not the time to correct Redon summary don’t you see what going on

redon doesn't give a shit what pronouns you use in your freetime.

He doesn't want his own summary to get changed in any way.
If this continues and the changed summary get's spread throughout the net then obviously people will think that the summary was written by redon. While in fact, what they are reading is a changed & edited summary.

Redon doesn't want his own words to get twisted. He sees Yamato as a boy. That's it. Live with it. Use what you want in your freetime, but don't change his summary for which he definetly spends an hour or longer writing up considering how detailed it is.

The problem is stealing his entire post.
Get your own provider and create a summary fitting to your headcanon
redon doesn't give a shit what pronouns you use in your freetime.

He doesn't want his own summary to get changed in any way.
If this continues and the changed summary get's spread throughout the net then obviously people will think that the summary was written by redon. While in fact, what they are reading is a changed & edited summary.

Redon doesn't want his own words to get twisted. He sees Yamato as a boy. That's it. Live with it. Use what you want in your freetime, but don't change his summary for which he definetly spends an hour or longer writing up considering how detailed it is.

The problem is stealing his entire post.
Get your own provider and create a summary fitting to your headcanon
Chad Lebrent >>>>>>>>> tagging Leperlevi
Zoro > > Yamato now
Zoro > > > > > Yamato after Wano
She has yet to replicate or come close to his feats on the roof this is first time she drew few drops of blood from Kaido something Zoro continuously was doing without much effort
I dont know man Zoro is down there fighting against King. I feels weird placing him above Yamato right now.
And that's the entire point here: I merely changed the pronouns the way the vivre card suggest (confirming Yamato to be a bonafide cis-woman), nothing else.

Everyone could still see that this was redon's summary and his original summary was obviously also still up for everyone to read. I offered just one alternative version that respects the vivre cards and official promotion.

Yet redon started to threaten everyone to not post spoilers anymore etc. over such an insignificant thing.

So everyone think again: Which one is the dude driving an agenda and throwing a tantrum here?
Fak people who bash u and bending their ass to anyone just for sake of spoilers
And here start the problem, it isn´t our summary, it is Lance who post his own experince in the chapter and show us early spoiler.
We have no right to change it, we can adress it here and saying what we think, but we have no right to change the source of the provider, that is disrespectful and provoke against the provider. It is literally a gift for us, he can call Yamato like he want to do and it is not even his fault, it start with Oda and his team who make this mess up in first place.

Let the men write what he want, do it hurt you or something? You can make a own thread after that and show that you not argee with that case and im pretty sure 80% of the users not see Yamato anymore as "he" after the vivrecard reveals. So he not hurt or force anyone, let him write what he want lol.
Sigh. These people bringing doom to this forum. Let him pose whatever he wants. It is not goin to change anything. Redon summary is what keeping spoiler hungry people alive.
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