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-Momo has a Bravery moment where he states something like:
"If I've already bitten a Yonko, there's nothing I could be afraid of"
-He tries (or goes) to save Onigashima from falling
-Carrot appears doing nothing, she just has a comment about the clouds situation to inform Neko :josad:
As expected Momo's main role is stopping Onigashima, pretty much predictable.
Everyone, literally, everyone nailed it.
Zoro is mid diffing King. Zoro is not going to mid diff a guy that took Gamma Knife + King Kong Gun to put down (amongst a gajillion other attacks).

Joker >>>> Calamities. Doffy was meant to be Kaido's right hand.
Wtf Joker even loses to Jack how delusional can you be? Jacks durability and endurance is way above Doffy. Don't even try to compare doffy with King or Queen. They are leagues above Doffy.
I mean this is like whatever. We knew this moment is coming. He already clashed without touching with Kaido so lol.

The bad thing about this chapter is how poorly oda threats the main villians ( aside from Kaido mom ofc ) and instead giving Jack justice he makes him a punching bag for losers like inu and neko and prefers to give panel time to bitchass tama.
Hold on a sec… Do you seriously think Inu and Neko are losers lmao? They sure as hell can defeat Jack man…
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