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World's Strongest Swordsman
If her entire purpose wasn't to conveniently get around fodder, I wouldn't mind the Tama focus. But she's just a big ball of plot. Nothing else.

God. When this chapter drops I'm deadass counting all the panels of Inu v. Jack. If there's more than like, 10 I'll be impressed.

We're gonna go to the live floor in 4 chapters and King'll be dead and Zoro will be huffing and slightly bloody.
I fucking said he was rushing
All the strawhats gathering in the live floor for a reason them fights gonna be rushed to fuck


Talent is something you make bloom.
everyone knew luffy was getting a sky splitting moment soon, and the dukes were already kicking jack's ass back in Zou i see nothing wrong here.
I remember them taking turns and resting for 12hours each, while Jack was going non-stop in base.
Fairly reminder to anyone who might get upset about Momo's scaling!

This is only the beginning of Oda's bullshit.

He went from being a crybaby child to dodging Boro Breath and biting Kaido who screams in pain.

This is only the beginning.

Next up CoC reveal, Voat and etc.

Fuck you Oda.
How would you think if Momo has badass attitude and handsome and one-liner like Zoro would you forgive him


I will never forgive Oda
Don't worry.
Hyori vs Orochi is gonna be awesome.
I don't mind fights involving weaker characters or even non Straw Hats. Good way to make each arc different.

But Hiyori's mostly irrelevant. She had her 15 minutes of fame in Act 2 and hasn't amounted to anything but healing the Scabbards. And orochi's been literally sidelined for 40+ chapters. If Hiyori v. Orochi gets more time than Jack I'll be pissed
Jack is a tertiary character like Inu lol. Oda clearly treats arc characters as relevant allies who can take matchups.

Seriously, consider how many times you've seen Jack in Wano. He's barely been around. His relancy died after Zou. Plus, he's been beaten like 3 times already lol
Come on the guy who deserved to best Jack, is the one in your Profile Pic!!! Who cares about Inu. Jack should‘ve beaten that irrelevant trash.

So Jinbe would be the one, who takes Jack down..
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