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Talent is something you make bloom.
Btw, being serious. Luffy having the sky splitting moment is not an asspull.
He unlocked Adv. Coc and thought that it would be enough to clap Kaido's cheeks. An ability he BARELY learned. He got clapped instead.
He recovers fully with the feast. Something stupid but nothing that haven't happened already ever since pre-TS. Makes sense in One Piece.
He goes back to facing Kaido, now not 1v1, but 3v1. Kaido didn't have time to recover. Kaido's been fighting for quite some time against MULTIPLE enemies. A nerfed Kaido vs a Fully recovered Luffy with a little bit better grasp of his new found ability going on a stale isn't really something out of the ordinary. I think that's quite ok that it was done under these circumstances. Asspull would be if it happened before he got clapped.

But anyway. Back to memeing.
Oda's priorities sucks

He had offscreened 4 Jack battles ,
Offscreened supong dukes vs Jack twice

Anyway, I told y'all that Pero is near Jack
Oda have both lose at the same time after both started their battles vs sulong dukes at the same time
Dukes need suoong to beat them 1v1, without it base dukes in this chapter didn't win
This chapter proves :
Sulong dukes >= King/Queen > hybrid Jack > Pero ~ base Dukes / base Jack
If neko could bear Pero without sulong then no need for Oda to make him re-enter it again in order to win
"Splitting the sky"...
That's what old Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido, and Big Mom all did. So Luffy is officially Yonko level now.

Within the arc ending, Luffy will get another PU. Hopefully by then he won't merely splitting sky anymore. He will split Yonko Kaido's face. Only by then Luffy will level up and finally reaches Admiral level.
Be honest, that’s shitty writing. Oda probably masturbates to Luffy
He gives Luffy powerups then nerfs its powers multiple times. Thats not masturbating. Oda gives G4 that overpowers Dofla only to give heavy side effects and stupidity. Oda gives Luffy the weakened G3 - nerfed by seawater- and it reached the size of Kraken in Fishman Island, but the supposedly not-weakened G3 suddenly shrunk to boulder-sized when he fought Katakuri. Oda gave FS to match YC1s but suddenly other chars like Zoro and Sanji can catch up and fight YCs comfortably for no reason, struggle, or proccess after all those chapters of Luffy fighting extremely difficult against YC1 for 20 chapters.

If Oda was masturbating to Luffy, he would have pre-timeskip Luffy having speed faster than lightning since Enel said "its too fast!" to his Gomu2 Golden Rifle while unable to dodge Luffy's attack even when Enel has lightning speed. But apparently not. Since if that is the case, Oda would make Luffy matched and even beaten Kuma and Mihawk since pretimeskip just like how Luffy beaten Croc-Moria since both are Shichibukai.

If Oda masturbates to Luffy he would make Luffy buldozes-oneshots through Dofla-Cracker, beat Kata from the start of G4, and make his only struggle against BM and Kaidou and even then Oda will make Luffy won against BM since the first time in WCI.

Oda also won't have Luffy unconscious for so many times after being oneshot by Kaidou even in G4, instead Oda will have Luffy snicker when meeting WSC since Luffy finally meets a challenge, just like how Zoro snickers around when fighting without meeting any real struggle or consequences or meeting a superior opponent who is actually pay attention to him or focused on him.

If you said Oda masturbates to Luffy, do you also think so when Kaidou oneshotted Luffy with Thunder Bagua or when Luffy fell unconscious from Onigashima? Don't you say that Luffy is trash instead? Did you say Oda masturbates to Zoro when Zoro try to block Hakai for 1 sec, then scarred Kaidou and said that it was shitty writing? Because Zoro doing those two things are, regarding the writing, Zoro's narrative counterpart of the current narrative Luffy matching and finally surpassing Kaidou, something that Luffy must do in order to be PK.
- He's not 8 anymore.
- He has a broken/huge devil fruit
- Kaido yelling is not indicative of anything signficant happening.

Stop overreacting guys
Look at someone like Marco. His devil fruit is so busted it can literally carry him into the first division commander tier.

Momo’s fruit is significantly more busted than Marco’s. We aren’t overreacting at all.
Lol youre a moron. I wouldve out right asked to fuck if i wanted a fuck. Go clean yourself up ya washed up bitch
Gtfo from my mentions bitch. It was you who first quoted me because you were butthurt by my Luffy wank. Now cry me a river, build a bridge and gtf over it. Imagine getting triggered by fictional characters you are abusing random strangers in internet. Go outside for some air.
Nah, zoro fans loves unlogical power up the most tho. They really want him to kill the strongest creature in the world when his biggest achievements before is defeating nerfed killer high diff
No. Zoro destroyed Killer. He did not use any 1 or 2 sword attacks and was only hit because he didn't consider the fox a threat. That showed how far Oda had to go to make it seem like Killer could hang with Zoro.

Zoro killing Kaido is still more believable. He has know about the power to cut anything or nothing, CoA barrier haki, since he was a child and has been working on it since pre time skill. He vastly improved his CoA haki skills over the time and has been using enma to further improve his ability to gather large amounts of powerful barrier haki.

Zoro flying dragon blaze scared Kaido and Big Mom, cut the giant skull horn and shook the entire island. His Dead Man Game scarred Kaido in a weaken state and poor condition. All he needs left is to combine that power with power ACoC haki to kill Kaido.
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