What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Why are you acting like Prime = 68 years old and stalling an Admiral then getting tired is a better feat than stalling the WSC for days? :milaugh:
She's in her prime, provide evidence about her being past it or shut up.
Stalling an Admiral + showcasing infinitely better haki + swimming across the calm belt >>> getting clowned by Brook,Franky,Robin,Nami,Chopper,Jinbe and almost dying to the rooftop SNs.

That Kaido fight was a shitty sparring, she just admitted Kid/Law injured her more than Kaido :suresure: What a deathmatch that must've been
Also one last post.

I wanted to make a post about how Kid and Law are underrated (i gave up on the idea but still.).

When Kid saves Nami and Usopp from Big Mom he slams Big Mom and people are calling Meme and calling Oda hack. But when Luffy did the same thing to Kaido in chapter 1000 people are celebrating and calling Luffy my Pirate King.

Double standarts.:whitepress:
Also one last post.

I wanted to make a post about how Kid and Law are underrated (i gave up on the idea but still.).

When Kid saves Nami and Usopp from Big Mom he slams Big Mom and people are calling Meme and calling Oda hack. But when Luffy did the same thing to Kaido in chapter 1000 people are celebrating and calling Luffy my Pirate King.

Double standarts.:whitepress:
Ussop and Nami dont need saving.

They can't die due plot:fujilaugh:
Why are you acting like Oden wasn't fighting in that battle?
That was no-prime Oden and he fought with Gaban lol

And why you bring Oden name in the first place??
I thought you say Ray has equal portrayal to Linin and Shiki who are Roger's rival. So by your logic even if Oden (no prime) was there, Ray who is comparable to Roger (by your logic) won't have any problem dealing with Oden that gets overpowered easily by Roger.

And the funny thing is that Rayleigh doesn't solo them, he fight with his crewmate. Replace Rayleigh with Shiki, Linlin or Kaido during that fight, the Whitebeard pirates will get own under a minute.
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