What move did Sanji use to beat the prostitute up?

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Having COC =\= being stronger than someone without.
That’s not what I meant. Of course just because Chinjao or Doffy have CoC doesn’t mean I’m putting them over Law.

But Kidd and Law are grouped together with Luffy in a trio. So I’m comparing him to his peers. When you compare the portrayal of each character, Luffy and Kidd are conquerers. Law isn’t. They have Supernova VC, Law doesn’t. Kidd was introduced with way more hype than Law. Luffy and Kidd compete, Luffy and Law don’t. This stuff all goes into portrayal, what the author is trying to portray to the readers. And I think it’s clear the author wants the readers see Kidd as more compareable to Luffy than Law. When it comes strictly to portrayal, I don’t believe Kidd and Law are equals.

I’m not saying Kidd is way over Law. The gap is not big at all. I’m just saying there’s no way you can say they have been portrayed as complete equals. There are things that clearly separate them. I might’ve been exaggerating when I compared it to Zoro and Sanji, but it’s kinda similar honestly
He doesn't need extra fire, especially when he started the fight itself by saying he would make Luffy stand closer to being PK at Chapter 1022.
Ok dude
Just be an annoying ass shutting down ideas blindly
Zoro himself says “That’s something I’m looking forward to”
And you’re saying.. he doesn’t care about it to be an extra motivation
Blindness at its finest

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Zoro: Huh!?
Zoro: Huff...Huff...
Zoro: Aight got it! I'll make sure to kill you without fail!!
Zoro: Not really sure what is going on but...
Zoro: ...I have something to look forward to at the end of the battle...!!
Zoro: That said...
Zoro: ...make sure you don't die on me till then!!
Sanji: Yh...thanks
Lmaaaaaaooo like i said

Zoro sees killing Sanji as a feat :endthis:
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