Who should Dragoban ban next?

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Yeah you're right!!
He loves it so much that he doesn't even bother to look for his stolen black blade Shusui

Enma is a real deal:kata:
I always envisioned Zoro to have strong attachment to his swords that faught alongside with him to actually REFUSE to trade Shusui with Enma….

I always believed coming into Wano, Zoro will have to prove to people of Wano in some sort of way that he deserves Shusui fair and square! And that someone an elderly of Wano will believe Zoro’s words and will make a connection between Zoro and Ryuuma just like Hyo and Kawamatsu did recently

but I always believed that Zoro will defend keeping Shusui at his waist at all costs BECAUSE it was Ryuuma himself who handed it to him and said “the sword will be satisfied if you are his master”

yet it is sooooo disappointing how easy Zoro let go of the sword!
I still cannot believe how easy that trade went!

Zoro didn’t even have the slightest bit of hesitation or feeling bitter about it… nothing

I hated that plot

I don’t mind him having Enma or Nidai or any other sword, but not like that last one… I prefer something like Hakai was capable of destroying one of the sword and then he gets Enma or Nidai than Zoro just letting go one of his Rightful swords, and put 100 lines under the phrase “RIGHTFUL SWORDS”
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