Who should Dragoban ban next?

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I do fear his mentality is suffering, he really did damage his health from overworking to the point he was hospitalised twice before and needs mandatory breaks now.

I've suffered with regular insomnia/sleep deprivation for well over a decade now and it's really affected my health, especially my mental health so I can only imagine what it must be doing to Oda! He was sleeping 3 hours a day only at one point and working for the other 21 or so!!!

Also now we've been in a pandemic for almost 2 years, that must be making things more difficult for him too, much more stress and he barely was seeing his family before, so how much worse must it be now? I've suspected he's a workaholic, addicted to working too much or and it's just a massive escape for him or he's too ingrained by the extreme, sacrificial Japanese work ethic too.
I've watched this pandemic really turn people close to me and near me a lot crazier too tbh, myself included at that. Much more depressed, stressed and just crazier.

If he ended Wano like that, it would legit be worse than any other series I've read and that's at their worst too. We'll feel like how Kinemon did when Kaido stabbed him. I mean did Kaido not stab any of his vitals either?
Kinemon isn't bleeding profusely and to death too? How does stabbing his body lead to seperating Kinemon's body again when it was sliced up, which is completely different to a stabbing especially in direction/angle ofc?
Oda's "logic" completely astounds me, maybe he really has lost his mind?

I do fear his mentality is suffering, he really did damage his health from overworking to the point he was hospitalised twice before and needs mandatory breaks now.

I've suffered with regular insomnia/sleep deprivation for well over a decade now and it's really affected my health, especially my mental health so I can only imagine what it must be doing to Oda! He was sleeping 3 hours a day only at one point and working for the other 21 or so!!!

Also now we've been in a pandemic for almost 2 years, that must be making things more difficult for him too, much more stress and he barely was seeing his family before, so how much worse must it be now? I've suspected he's a workaholic, addicted to working too much or and it's just a massive escape for him or he's too ingrained by the extreme, sacrificial Japanese work ethic too.
I've watched this pandemic really turn people close to me and near me a lot crazier too tbh, myself included at that. Much more depressed, stressed and just crazier.

If he ended Wano like that, it would legit be worse than any other series I've read and that's at their worst too. We'll feel like how Kinemon did when Kaido stabbed him. I mean did Kaido not stab any of his vitals either?
Kinemon isn't bleeding profusely and to death too? How does stabbing his body lead to seperating Kinemon's body again when it was sliced up, which is completely different to a stabbing especially in direction/angle ofc?
Oda's "logic" completely astounds me, maybe he really has lost his mind?

i’ll keep convincing myself that he is saving something at the end of this arc , I can’t imagine that he will ruin a series loved by millions with these silly mistakes, it is not like he was in a complicated situation and needed an exit or something, he could just make things normal , i will keep convincing myself until the end of this battle
At least he didn't need to rely on magical steroids to be useful. Otherwise, he would've been bedridden and mummified the in the remaining war. lol, Sucks to be a zorotard right?
"A-At least he didn't need help, getting carried by daddy's handouts to survive Lueen's dick attack is the way of the candies!"
Bum ass bozo and his vet level cook trying to be relevant :kobeha:

Gorosei Informer

IDK why killing is important here? like kaido defeted king defeted queen defeted and others defeted, now whats with killing
like even if they don't kill them its there choice... they can just leave them for marine
Its a war on 2 Yonkos, for nobody to die at all is completely ridiculous and insane. It really downplays the threats of the almighty 4 emperors of the sea if their own crews can't even kill anyone. Big Mom killed more of her own family and allies than anyone else! Pedro killed himself instead of them killing him too!

It really feels like a childrens series more now than ever before, the stakes felt far more serious pre TS and a much darker, grittier tone. How the hell did that happen with where the story is now and that the series was more adventurous, less serious, less fleshed out and such back then?

We're dealing with much bigger, more important and serious targets, themes, storylines and such now, things have really escalated but it feels so regressive that Oda keeps refusing to kill off characters, to commit to his choices. Hyogoro's death moment was gonna be so poignant, but he had to cheat it at the last second for a miracle moment.

Pre TS we had a few people cheating death but it was never as bad fas this as far as I remember? It really bothered me back then but now I'm starting to feel apathy come in as characters keep cheating death and refusing to stay dead. At least Oda is not wasting his characters unlike other authors in that regard by killing them off too soon (although I feel Monet was massively wasted potential ironically but shes a one-off case and still far better than what MHA just did and has been doing for a while now too).

I know Oda really likes to make deaths impactful and important, to not make them too numerous and thus downplay the weight of them, to not saturate them but he's going too far in the opposite direction and making a mockey of deaths and characters now.

If he's actually killed off Sabo though ironically, I will absolutely loathe him for that and most likely will drop the series permanently too.

Like with Yasuie, he had the chance for another poignant death moment with Hyogoro and then with Kanjuro/Orochi/Kiku/Kinemon but he keeps making a mockery of death and it just really pisses me off. This does not feel the same series that treated death with such seriousness in the past.
Brook and his crew, Brook's speech of death not being an apology. Nami losing Belle-mere, Zoro and Kuina, Luffy and Ace, the list goes on ofc.

There are moments of greatness like Sanjis past with Sora but it feels very minimal compared to how much superior Pre TS was in that regard imo.
if after this chapter, they gona keep Enma special hacky, they are reading two pieces.

This is what enma is doing to Zoro arm. This candy,condoms clown cant even read what a picture is showing.
Do you see how enma is draining Zoro hacky in chapter 1032.
That happen also when Zoro used Enma for the first time chapter 955:

This fuking clown, cant really read this manga right?

So from chapter 955 to chapter 1032 Zoro used his onw hacky wich was constantly drained by Enma.
Chapter 1032 is showing exactly what happen to Zoro the first time he used Enma - (which was describe in detail) but this time we see also Zoro in pain.
So Zoro so call PU is not only draining Zoro enery but causing pain. What a great PU right clowns :ihaha::risitavirus:
These people are shameless don't underestimate them
"A-At least he didn't need help, getting carried by daddy's handouts to survive Lueen's dick attack is the way of the candies!"
Bum ass bozo and his vet level cook trying to be relevant :kobeha:

Lol. Keep on glorifying your Zoro boi for taking steroids. He is no different from Hody Jone who rely on steroids to fight. lol

Candies are Sanjitards because candies are with Sanji during TS?
So what do we call Zorotards? Monkeys, Baboons or Gorillas? lol
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