Who should Dragoban ban next?

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u mean cause irrelevant damage that Yonko laugh at?
Are you talking about Law? Because he's the only one that needs to bypass durability with his magic fruit that does 100% of the fighting for him and still can't do more than mickey mouse damage even with no defenses, that's how weak this man is, imagine Zoro swinging his swords at a hakiless, defenseless BM. :kobeha:
Post Udon Luffy hurting King is still debatable. It takes advanced CoA to hurt Kaido. Without it, Boundman dealt 0 damage to Kaido.
Yet Zoro with Tatsumaki which clearly weaker move than Boundman, managed to wound Kaido.

^ Zoro used advanced CoA. Yet now his Tatsumaki still dealt 0 damage against King's wings.

It takes more than advanced CoA to face King's wings.
Post Udon Luffy still can't beat King.
WCI Luffy couldn't do anything Kaido dragon scales .
His own words even.

And now Luffy fans think he could have done something to a character that has something beyond dragon or dinosaur defense?

Post udon Luffy yeah he beats King but pre udon nope.
Maybe but even that Luffy in my opinion can't take down King - King is a killing machine he doesnt care about pride,nor style he just want to get the foes down. Do you think that King will just watch luffy recover his stamina if he run out after g4 like katakuri did? No, in fact King wanted to kill Zoro before the medicine started to work.
Do you think King will not use is katana cuz is not a fair fight and just use pouch and kick?
Luffy has to watch to not lose some limb cuz craker coa was enough to bypass Luffy coa.

Luffy vs Kata was a totally different scenario we can say a training scenario
Luffy vs King would be a massacre - King is restless doesnt care about bullshit king of pirate.

Luffy 1010 could take down King yeah, but even that adcoc got dehip cuz didnt work on a veteran level that coudnt even move like Kinemon, so each fight I ll take it as 50/50 until it proven different.
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