If I remeber correctly this is the orginal squad who even didn´t trash King when Marco give his hype moment.
@TheAncientCenturion , @Peroroncino , @Aknolagon , @nik87 , @MonsterKaido , @Sentinel , @Hanzo hattori , @Topi Jerami , @Patryipe , @Calypso and few other members of the holy squad...

Not saying the other new one aren´t welcome to our group.
But these above are the fiirst and strong holy squad from the begin.
@TheAncientCenturion , @Peroroncino , @Aknolagon , @nik87 , @MonsterKaido , @Sentinel , @Hanzo hattori , @Topi Jerami , @Patryipe , @Calypso and few other members of the holy squad...

Not saying the other new one aren´t welcome to our group.
But these above are the fiirst and strong holy squad from the begin.